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Seattle people?

You hope, you pray you aren't alone in your dollieh fantaticism - so organize that meetup and see who else shares your illusions and dillusions.

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Re: Seattle people?

Postby Nunubit » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:02 pm

My mother lives in Seattle and I live about 4 hours away, in the same state, so it isn't that much of a drive. I visit fairly often.
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Re: Seattle people?

Postby BadCandy » Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:31 pm

Oi Oi! I'm actually off to BC for the holidays soon.

(seattle native)

letchhausen wrote:I live in Seattle. There's actually a Seattle based forum called Resin+ and people organize monthly meetups through that. And they manage to do it every month!

O.o Wow..I need to hang around more of the old Saku crew...I didnt even know there were meetups and stuff in seattle outside of the invite only loli tea parties and stuff.
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Re: Seattle people?

Postby letchhausen » Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:46 am

I have yet to make it to one of the Seattle meet-ups, I'm new so I'm nervous and I work full time and go to school so my schedule is pretty hectic...
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