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Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:44 am

Greyhaunt wrote:Well, if you look at the Obitsu collections of Cirque, K2, Zirconmermaid you will notice a distinct bias towards the Haruka head! Not that they don't have Gretels, they are just outnumbered heavily.

As for that body problem...well...you may as well give up the fight now and just get both heads and recognize that there will be another Obitsu in your future LOL

XD Oh yes...Once the heads come that's it they seem to find place of their own.

I got both a gretel and a Haruka (well Nano-Gretel and Nano-Haruka) and I gotta say their both adorable. Either way you can't go wrong. Poor Yuichi (my Haruka) is still eyeless and body-less but he's cute. Haruhi my 11cm Obitsu is my nano-gretel and my gosh I love how innocent she looks.

Plus Obitsu has the really awesome looking 18 mm anime looking eyes so that could really change how a head looks. (My little boy Riven looks like he jumped right out of a manga. Spikey hair, blue chara eyes from Glib and a very petite body.)

Obitsu's - They're like drugs only better for you. (Not for your wallet though. XD)
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Janeway » Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:05 am

:) Alopecia No Hime obitsu's well do that. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Kirahfaye » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:33 pm

The floating Obitsu bodies in the 45-50cm range - are those measurements including the height with a head added or are they actually the body length?
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:00 pm

Kirahfaye wrote:The floating Obitsu bodies in the 45-50cm range - are those measurements including the height with a head added or are they actually the body length?

As I understand it the head is included in the measurements.
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby cirquemom » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:13 pm

In general, measurements from doll companies, esp. Obitsu, tend to be somewhat nebulous.
The Alice head on the 40 cm body, for instance, is actually about 43 cm. The final height with head is going to depend somewhat on the head- there could be a difference of a couple of cms, depending on the sculpt.
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby kiki-chan78 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:57 pm

I think they just make up measurements as they go along. The 55cm and 50cm obitsus are about the same height.

From left to right, the dolls on the top shelf are:

Kojiro - 55cm obitsu Gretel.
Yukiko - 40cm parabox Alice.
Kiyoshi - 45cm parabox Alice.
Niko - 50cm obitsu Mizuki.
Mamoru - 60cm obitsu boy hybrid Gretel.
Allison - Resin pretending to be vinyl, and doing a good job.
Omi - ...Omi is Omi. >.>;;;



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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Kirahfaye » Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:33 pm

Kiki, how close in height are Kojiro and Mamoru body-wise? I have a SD girl on layaway and she's already bugging me for a minion. Since she's 58cm (and will usually be wearing platform shoes/boots) I want someone who is close to her height but not as small as 45cm. This could be my opportunity to get an Obitsu as a boy (okay, yeah they are pretty androgynous looking bodies).
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby kiki-chan78 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:30 pm

There's a noticeable difference in height between the two of them. Here's an older shot of Omi and Mamoru, and Omi's pretty comparable to a 55cm. ^.~


Let me know if you'd like a shot of Kojiro and Mamoru instead... or if you'd like him compared against any of the other dolls I've got. As far as 1:3 scale dolls go, obitsus run small. ^.~


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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby Kirahfaye » Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:16 pm

Thanks, Kiki. Sorry to hijack the thread, but I think it might add to the conversation.

Don't one or two of your boys have resin heads? If I get an Obitsu body, I'll probably want to pair it with a resin head (I just don't care for the Obitsu boy head sculpts). Any suggestions of what companies have skin tones and head sizes that work with Obitsu skin tones?
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Re: Obitsu 48/50cm differences?

Postby kiki-chan78 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:22 pm

Mamoru used to have an Elfdoll Lydia head. The neck-connector was modified on the obitsu for it to accept an s-hook and allow for full mobility. Generally, you'll find that female heads are easier to pair with the obitsu frame while keeping everything looking proportionate... just paint it up like a boy. NS resin from *most* companies tend to be fairly compatible with obitsu white/pale. One issue you might run into, resin yellows, vinyl doesn't. ^///^


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