It's tough being a doggy's momma. Sometimes they get you up really early... Actually, they do it everyday. Every stinkin' day!
Morgan and Dog
Bonus Pix:
I found a little toady! Ain't he cute!
And the resident trouble makers...
maywong wrote:Good thing the doggy didn't see the kitties.
cirquemom wrote:Very cute.
And "squeeeee!" on the toady, and the kitties.
Greyhaunt wrote:AH HA - I thought I saw an orange kitty leg in one of those photos LOL.
You'd think at least obitsu doggies wouldn't need potty breaks - but I so symathize. Every morning at 6am...sigh.....
claws wrote:Ha ha! I can relate...sometimes my doggie's gotta go at three o'clock in the morning. Then she decides that would be a good time to make her rounds of the entire yard. XP
Aww, tiny frog!! XD
skookum hime wrote:its like a little dog in her scale. So cute!
Aeilia wrote:Poor Morgan! I can totally sympathize with her. Cats do the same to me every day.
Cute kitties and little toady!
absynthe1972 wrote:That's awesome!
Your orange kitteh looks exactly like my Jerry kitteh. (Their fur and my hair is an EXACT match. *sigh*)
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