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Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner - My bottle looks different..?

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Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner - My bottle looks different..?

Postby SoapBubbles » Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:05 pm

So I've recently purchased a couple of art supplies for doll face ups and among my purchases is the "Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner & Restorer".

But I'm beginning to get a little worried. All the bottles I've seen so far have RED coloured labels and it says other things like "water-soluble" and "non-abrasive" that isn't written on mine. I'm beginning to worry whether or not I have the right product... Can anyone help clear up whether or not this is safe to use on my dolls?

What my bottle looks like:
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Re: Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner - My bottle looks different.

Postby OkamiKodomo » Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:00 pm

I just picked up a bottle of the clear stuff too. Tomorrow, if nobody else can figure out if it's the same, I'll compare ingredients.
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Re: Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner - My bottle looks different.

Postby Greyhaunt » Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:30 am

SoapBubbles wrote:So I've recently purchased a couple of art supplies for doll face ups and among my purchases is the "Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner & Restorer".

But I'm beginning to get a little worried. All the bottles I've seen so far have RED coloured labels and it says other things like "water-soluble" and "non-abrasive" that isn't written on mine. I'm beginning to worry whether or not I have the right product... Can anyone help clear up whether or not this is safe to use on my dolls?

What my bottle looks like:
Image Image

Offhand, I can think of two different reasons why yours may look different when comparing your photo to my bottle (which is a red label purchased over a year ago).
First off, mine is onlly 16fl oz, yours is 32 - so they may have different labeling on the larger bottle.
Secondly, it's entirely possible they've simply decided to do new labeling and yours is one of those.

The important things, name, what it's for, are the same, so I'd say the lack of "water soluble non-abrasive" probably isn't an issue. What I would recommend is that before you go using it heavy duty on a doll, find an inconspicuous spot, maybe on the inside of a head, to test some cleaner and make sure it doesn't cause damage.

I'm guessing new labeling may be why - companies do that sometimes :)
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Re: Winsor&Newton Brush Cleaner - My bottle looks different.

Postby SoapBubbles » Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:19 am

Yeah, I'll probably end up doing a small test before I start drowning my doll heads in the stuff. ^^;

It's so weird though... I couldn't even find the label on the official website and it' feels like I've picked up some sort of mythical product that barely exists.
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