Congrats OkamiKodomo!
Boston is awesome~ (I've been there... one of the few out-of-state vacations I've ever taken. Of course, I did experience it during St. Patrick's Day weekend )
OkamiKodomo wrote:Hahah uh.... cheapest area to live in the greater Boston metro area? XD
DollyKim wrote:A little dog found the family when they were walking up to the grocery store and they brought her home. One bath and bark filled night of trying to calm our dogs down we think we've found her peoples' missing dog ad on Craig's List and will be calling to hopefully send her home. Looks like someone stole her after Xmas and dumped her not long after.
coloredimage wrote:OkamiKodomo wrote:Hahah uh.... cheapest area to live in the greater Boston metro area? XD
Lol, if my roommate and I weren't trying to find exactly that, I would help We've got the annoying situation where we have to find the perfect place between our two jobs, which looks like Concord area. You're going to Avon, right? Will you have your car or no? If you do, look in towns around Avon for cheap enough housing - Avon proper, Quincy, Randolph, Holbrook, Stoughton, Braintree, Weymouth, Canton, etc. Some of the gated community apartment places are probably going to be slightly pricey, but they're nice and quiet places.
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