Got another Lorifina doll this afternoon for a really nice price. She's got darker skin than my blue eyed one and has very pretty dark brown eyes. She has on a curly dark auburn-brown wig with bangs. She also came with an outfit and a pair of shoes I've been eying. My first Lori she caused a bit of a problem here. My nieces came over here and saw her and really fell in love. They ended up having such a royal cat fight over who would get to play with her while they hung out with me I had to take the doll away, laugh. They're usually wonderful about sharing but not so much when it comes to her apparently. They practically begged to take her home with them but I said "No way!!!" to that. I did give them some BFC Inc big kids I found at Goodwill though so they were somewhat mollified thought the older niece would have been much happier with the Lori I think, She's almost 12 now and is really more into my Tonner sized dolls at this point than the 18" girls that are meant for a younger age. She liked the doll I gave her but I have a feeling my younger niece will end up with it sooner or later.
I almost got one exactly like this one on auction last week but I was totally outbid by someone at the last second who way overpaid for one. People are always putting "rare" into their descriptions but Lori dolls are just not that scarce. Last week there were at least half a dozen of them on Ebay for less than $50 and several more at like $100, and a few people trying to double that which I think is just wishful thinking unless you're offering a good lot of clothes with her.
I still might get one more of these later if I can find the paler version again with green eyes. Make a trio. I really like both of these but I have a real yen to have one with green eyes. No matter what color eyes they have they are stunning but the green ones in particular are a really nice color from what I have seen. I think there were only 2 skin colors and 3 eye colors. That would give me one of each eye color if I could pull that off. But it won't be for a while. I just spent $$$ I should not have spent this month getting this one. It was such a nice deal though I couldn't say no, shrug.
This is a page that has pics of the Lori dolls and a lot of their stuff. Not all of it was released but I'm seeing a lot of it on Ebay. The darker girl's skin tone was called "bronze" apparently and there is one on this page with brown eyes if you want to see what mine will look like. So far I have the white short pants, the aqua blue shirt with the apple girl print, the purple and black sleep outfit, a pair of shorts, leggings, the red shoes and the silver boots. I have a couple of other pairs of shoes that fit her fine too but she's a tough girl to outfit the Lori doll if you don't have her stuff or want to spend a small fortune on BJD clothes and I still haven't quite figured that out as yet. She wears Tonner boy shirts very well, but most skirts and pants I have are just too small for her. I've managed to find a few things in the porcelain doll wardrobe that I think I can alter and fix up for her but I just haven't been up to sewing much lately so for now my first one is still in her sleep clothes.
Looking at this page I really love most of it. I'm hoping I can snag some more shoes down the road. Most of the shoes for these dolls are really cute and there are several pairs I would not mind having for her... ... Collection