I thought it'd be nice to have a dedicated thread for shooting questions and answers back and forth about making hybrid dolliehs, posting resin comparisons, that sort of thing. Plus I got a few questions myself.
My questions/requests:
Does anyone have both a standard/"Tony" Bobobie 1/4 boy body and a double-joined 1/4 Resinsoul boy body? I'd love to see some height and arm-length comparisons. If someone has these bodies and wouldn't mind taking a couple nude comparison pics, or could direct me to comparisons elsewhere on the net, I would be forever grateful! <3
If there's anyone super hardcore who doesn't mind a bit of unstringing/getting their Dr. Frankendolly on, I'd also like to know if the BBB "Tony" arms will fit into the sockets of the double-jointed 1/4 RS boy body...