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Weekly DQ: #11

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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:09 am

Much as I love my big kids, it would have to be the 1/6th scale.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby Linteia » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:06 pm

I don't know, it's a close tie between tinies and MSD. But I think it has to go to tinies, since they feed into my miniature addiction so easily and perfectly. :lol: They are ridiculous to sew for, though.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby embyquinn » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:29 pm

Definitely playscale (1/6). It's the scale I'm used to, I've got plenty of accessories in that scale, and darn it, that's what Cherry and my other krewe members are (well, except for Miya, but she's 1/5, so it's close).
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby Eleona » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:25 am

I'd have to pick my 1/12 tinies, if I had to pick a scale. Even though I love them all, they're the ones that I play with most.

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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby Stormlight » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:53 am

Wow, surprisingly tough question!

For practicality, one would have to say MSD and smaller, but honestly, despite them being big and cumbersome and heavy and really difficult to cart around places, I adore my SDs. If I had to choose a single size, it'd probably be them. I just love their size and weight and that they're so nice to cuddle with (well, if they were a little softer, anyway. lol). Kinda like holding a baby, only without all the smells and random bodily fluids and noises. :lol:
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby LiveLoveYarn » Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:22 am

Fun question!!

So hard to pick though! I am getting my first MSD sized doll soon (I hope) and I think I am positively going to love her size. But teeny tinies are so great for traveling with!!

I think for now I'll go with 1/6. Most of my girls are 1/6 (Blythe, Pullip, MH). They are easy enought to carry around and they're big heads make them great for photography :P
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby famedglory » Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:00 am

As much as I love my big dolls and even though my favorite is 70cm, if I had to reshell everyone into one size it would be 1/4 MSD. If I was starting all over again and begining right now knowing everything I do I would have a MSD army.
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby anoniemouse » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:43 pm

I really like 1/6 size in the fashion doll sense, but I don't like the Tiny scale for BJDs. 1/6 is so much more easy to manipulate and get stuff for @.@
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby SetsunaKou » Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:27 pm

Wow...this is a toughie!! ^^

Hmm......let's consider this.....

We have about (250) 1/6 Volks/Obitsu/Sailor Moon dolls and (250) 1/6 Barbie/Disney dolls, (8) 1/4 Tonner dolls, and (63) 1/10 Sailor Moon dolls....

Then, we have (48) 1/3 or 70cm bjds, (2) Yo-SD bjds and (1) tinies bjd.

Despite having the majority in 1/6 scale, I think I'll have to say I love the 1/3 scale best. They're so impressive, nicer to make clothing for and are so 'alive' somehow. I have characters in all 3 scales and while I LOVE all doll versions of each character, my 1/3 somehow just makes me smile most. ^^ I think it's because they're so big, you can really sew nice clothing that 'falls' just right and they're such great posers.
The 1/6, while also beautiful and very poseable, somehow get a bit 'lost' in our 1/6 legion. ^^;;
We sew them the same clothing, too, but the detailing in every type of trim/flounce/jewelry just can't be as exact as when we make the items for 1/3 scale.

Of course, I adore my 1/6 favorites, but their 1/3 counterparts somehow.....it's hard to choose, but, I suppose, the big dolls are such perfect representations for the most part, are fun to dress and pose (rather than the struggle with the 1/6 to wear the outfits 'just right' and not too bulky, pose without having their hands fall off, etc) and nice to photograph.

The one point I DO love in my 1/6 boys is their heads. The Volks SH-08 is THE perfect male anime head and the Volks Dollfie Dreams have not yet made one close to it! So, I really love the 1/6 male dolls more than anything since they LOOK just like their anime counterparts. I wish Volks made 'SH-08' in 1/3 DD heads (they did the SH-03 in DD size, which all my girls have) but they haven't so far. I sort of solved that by a method of 'slimming' the heads we came up with. It works good as a substitute SH-08, thankfully!! ^^

But having said all that----I love all my various scaled dolls. I think I am choosing 1/3 especially because of our seiyuu portrait dolls. You just CAN'T make really accurate portrait dolls with the limited head sculpts available in 1/6 scale (and the added difficulty of customizing vinyl heads).
With resins, you can buy a similar sculpt to your goal, then customize it by sanding, carving and adding. It's very satisfying to make a doll that comes out just as you envision it! The 1/3 scale really works with that type of project. ^^

Our 12 seiyuu 1/3 boys are lined up in our hallway, 'guarding' the hall. :laughs:
So, it's hard NOT to love them best!!! :laughs:
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Re: Weekly DQ: #11

Postby Mirrin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:57 pm

I don't even consider looking at sculpts unless they're 1/4 scale. It is the only size of doll I will ever get. Not only will I only get 1/4 scale dolls, but I will only get mature looking ones.

That's the main reason I will never get anything smaller. You see, I don't like children or childlike things... like in dollie form, they give me the major creeps. I don't like handling other people's childlike dolls even.
I think the mature wee ones might be alright, but there's just not enough companies that make them, for one... and for another thing, I already have all my mature minis. Introducing tinier ones would be silly.

One of my good friends has all 70cm dolls and they are just monstrous to me, pretty or not. I feel the same about your standard 60cm 1/3 scales too. They're just too big.
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