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Anyone from New Zealand?

You hope, you pray you aren't alone in your dollieh fantaticism - so organize that meetup and see who else shares your illusions and dillusions.

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Anyone from New Zealand?

Postby mochi.kochi » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:10 pm

Hey guys, I've looked around the forum to see if I can spot any Kiwis around but I'm not too sure anymore, so here I am posting to see if there's any here. This is because, if by any chance, I get some free time that line up with others, we can get together. I live in Auckland and just an hour away from the city (which is the only place I know to I can travel to >.<) I'm studying at MIT so if there's anyone from there, PM me so we can talk more :D

Looking forward to meet someone ^^
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I snort dolliehs liek candi
Posts: 407
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:35 am
Location: New Zealand

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