This would be headache inducing.
My OCs are my plushies who have their own backstories that was created when I was a kid, the story itself evolved over the years and sort of stablised after they crossover as dolls. The story in itself is their past even though some of them get to look young.
My official media fandom characters get their backstories from fanfics or canon mythos depending on whether they are officially shipped or not. One of them inherited her entire personality from a fanfic that was created with the use of another action figure(she knows and makes fun of said fanfic and her own canon history).
there's the one where they know they are dolls and are physical representation of headspace characters and plushies. and spend their time sitting around watching anime. reading books and mangas and jotting down ideas for projects and stuff.
I know this board has a bio section for the dolls. I need to update mine now that a few more dolls pop up.