by Stormlight » Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:52 pm
Itty bitty kitties! <3
One is lucky if their cat simply sits there waiting patiently when they want fed.
My cats, especially the one, tend to knock things off my desk when they want my attention. Pens, keys, dolls ... you name it. They're tyrants! And if I'm sleeping? Forget it. They'll crawl all over me until I either get up and feed them, or get pissed and lock them in the storage closet (where they can't damage anything) until I get up again. And they KNOW when it's time to be fed. 5:30 rolls around and they start it up. I'd swear they can tell time.
I love my furbabies but they make me glad I don't have any REAL kids. I'd probably end up locking THEM in the storage closet, too, so I could get some real sleep. lol
Oh, and don't worry, the storage closet isn't actually a closet. It's a small room. The chest freezer and their litter boxes are in there. Rumpleteaser sleeps in there half the time, anyway (there's a little plush cat-bed box thing she claimed). I just toss Serenity in with her and shut the door on them until I'm ready to get up, and I don't do that very often, only if they keep knocking stuff off my desk, like any doll that happens to be sitting there. Serenity knocked my Metato off the desk three times the other day, and that was only because she wanted ON it! SO lucky he didn't chip an ear or a wing or something. I could've strangled the little hairball. ^^;
With kids, at least, you can make them understand that some things are breakable, but how do you drill "fragile, do not touch!" into a cat's head? lol