by magkelly » Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:10 am
Numero Uno Delilah Noir is on her way. I got the shipped notice this afternoon. UPS, and according to them the 5th for delivery though that may not be accurate. Lately UPS has been padding the arrival date by a few days I think because they are assuming delays because of the storms that keep happening but I really have not noticed any major delays. Usually what I order gets here within 5 days. The shipping fee they used was for 3-5 days actually so the 5th that's quite a long estimate. If it actually went out as stated, and it looks like it did because it's on the move, she should be here mid week. Better be. Unless he's really padding for "handling" and it doesn't say that, "handling" just shipping then shipping for this girl was at a more expensive UPS rate. Ground shipping would have been more like $11 and he charged nearly $17 which would mean 3-5 days not 3-10 days, though shipping has gone up a bit. Shipping a doll box UPS or USPS used to take like $9-10 even with tracking and now I'm seeing a lot of the doll stores quoting a base of $12.95 even if they don't supposedly charge handling.