Every time I see yet another gorgeous sculpt I really fall for, I start to plot how to get it --- and then the mental image(s) of HRH Bella and Ollie flash into my memory, along with the infamous photos of my master BR walk-in closet, some 24 or so FEET of hanging space, and EVERY INCH of those poles packed with gown after gown after outfit, the cartons of carefully stashed wigs, the matching shoes, pumps, boots, sandals, the jeans, shirts, and blouses, the boxes of accessories and hats, the entire wooden box, lined with mirrors & lift out trays, upholstered on top like a sofa, which opens up to reveal pounds of jewelry - dozens of ensembles, diadems, tiaras, earrings, necklaces and so forth ...
... and I think, 'naaaaaah, even I'M not that much of a masochist' and pass on. It would just be one more spoiled fashionista resin princess with a mania for wigs, clothes, jewels, and more than enough shoes to make Imelda Marcos jealous. Two is more than enough, thanks anyway.