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Re: Hiyo!

Postby obliviousally » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:45 pm

arrowchild wrote:Oh wow...I'm a KSU alumni XD My hubby and I actually just purchased a house about 5 blocks from campus and will be moving back there this spring :)
Welcome to the forum!!!!!
There's a GREAT little BJD community in Kent too by the by :)

Ah, how cool! Yeah, I know of the local group, one of the girls I work with is involved with it. I live pretty close to campus, myself, near University Inn.
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Re: Hiyo!

Postby obliviousally » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:51 pm

LiveLoveYarn wrote:Hello and welcome!!I don't have any resin dolls either, I love my ABS babies. I have two Freya's as well, a white and dark grey ^_^ Can't to see what you do with yours. Chat soon!

I've got a lot of practice and work to do, but hopefully (at some point) they'll end up similar to these characters of mine:

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