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The Place Neither Here nor There

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The Place Neither Here nor There

Postby Resu » Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:58 pm

The following characters follow their own storyline. Stories and photo shoots involving these characters contain nuts, randomness, and sheer silliness.

Reading such stories while consuming food or liquids is highly unadvised. Do so at your own risk.


His Almighty Majesty Obelisk the Fearsomely Absurd Fanatic King of the Illogically Frosty Northwestern Tip of the Mildly Tropical Southeast Isle of the Glorious Magically Shadowy Realm of Pitifully Lost Logic and the Pathetically Despairing Missing Dryer Socks
Sculpt: Soom Tiny Gem Bygg
Age: ?
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: Dark Gray
Race: ?
Occupation: King (of course)
DOB: December 11
Likes: Being king
Dislikes: “Filthy commoners”
Favorite Color(s): Royal blue (naturally)
Abilities: ?
Homeworld: The Illogically Frosty Northwestern Tip of the Mildly Tropical Southeast Isle of the Glorious Magically Shadowy Realm of Pitifully Lost Logic and the Pathetically Despairing Missing Dryer Socks

He suddenly appeared here one day, but none of his loyal subjects were there to greet him. He found out later that they are all trapped in customs, but he lacks the influence/power to rescue them. Pondering how to save his loyal subjects, His Majesty decided on the best course of action: gain the lacking influence/power by taking over this world and using that to liberate his loyal subjects from the evil customs.
Of course, it would probably be easier if he called the post office to release them, but what royalty would bother himself with such a lowly task?

Mr. Delicious Bun Bun
Sculpt: Steamed Jam-Bun Nadeshiko Juju-chan Phone Strap
Age: ?
Eyes: Black
Hair: None
Race: Plushie
Occupation: His Majesty’s Loyal Right-hand Man
Likes: ?
Dislikes: ?
Favorite Color(s): ?
Abilities: Cleans your electronic screens with his butt
Homeworld: Dim Sum Land

Mr. Delicious Bun Bun was once a mere cell phone strap attached to a camera and used to wipe its LCD screen. One day, His Majesty took pity on him and allowed Mr. Delicious Bun Bun to follow him as a loyal subject.
Mr. Delicious Bun Bun never disagrees with His Majesty’s word. For that, he was awarded with the role of His Majesty’s Loyal Right-hand Man. It is a position envied by all.
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