If you haven't seen the new OZ movie - you really should go!! This is an ABS plastic balljoint doll (non-strung) of the China Girl who is a character in the movie. She is a doll! And it's adorable!! So I had to have the non-limited version.
'She is 14 inches tall, with a removable dress and molded on panties. Her torso is one piece. She has articulation at hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows and wrists as well as her head. Head motion is limited to primarily side to side. Her eyes are painted on, and her hair is molded. In the movie she has a crackle glaze but the doll has incised molded lines to represent the cracks. Her feet have molded on shoes. All in all, she is very cute.
Box - now a mess of trash!
Back of box - it has some perforations that do absolutely nothing but shred the back.
And the doll!
Legs - the hips are very posable! I had no trouble with her sitting or standing either!
Torso - showing lack of mobility.
More posing,
And being adorable!
I think she will fit in MSD clothes, but I haven't tried yet. I hope you like her, I do!