"What's up, mah dolliehz! Check out the new 'do! Mama found her pink-dipped white fur fabric and made me a "mimosa" wig."
"It--uh...uh-oh. It's the neighbor's cat, Poozilla. (That's not his real name, but we call him that because he's HUGE.) Uh...hi, kitty...nice kitty...donteatmekitty..."
"Whew! He's not interested in me. I'm getting out of here while the getting's good."
"Ahh, the safety of the azalea bush. He won't get at me up here. Besides, it's a pretty cool pic."
"Dolls love to be played with. They are lonesome if you leave them always in a box. How would you like to be left day after day alone, with no one to love you?"