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Drax - an update & a few questions

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Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby Vetinari » Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:15 am

Soo... Drax as the 1st bjd I ever bought, is as always the spoilt demanding brat that we all know and *Ahem* love...

He's been demanding a new face-up lately, and with the appalling state of the old one (and the fact that it was the 1st face-up I'd ever done on resin...) I can't blame him! (He's also demanding a new body... That might take a while longer... Partly due to money, and partly cos I can't quite find one I like for him!)

He's had quite a few-character changes this year but surprisingly his core personality remains unchanged. He's still a snarky, 500-odd years old sourcerer, who enjoys world-walking for kicks. And he still likes gender-confusing outfits! He just happens to also like, mind-altering substances, nicotine, and *ahem* bdsm with the right partner (Jerome)... Yes he is the dom (and this fact will only ever be referred to obliquely again...)

So here's his new and (probably not) improved face-up that attempts to reflect these additions! Please excuse the lack of gloss on his lips, the semi-gloss that I use on my male bjds has glued itself shut and is currently resisting all attempts to open it...

In his neat, "Victorian gentleman" wig

In his 60's rocker wig...

1) Face-up critique - did I over do the nicotine stains/bags under eyes?
2) Which colour eyes?? The black/blue pair were his, but are awful to try and capture in photos... So I tried all of my spares in his size...

Blue/Black Glass Eyes

Hazel Acrylics

Cheap blue/grey acrylics

Green acrylics

Bright blue acrylics

Murky blue acrylics

*Warning Mildly Disturbing Shot!*
Drax's face immediately after his 1st fix of nicotine of the day... Think the ringtone in Sherlock... Or alternatively he's rolling his eyes in disgust at his current lack of a body... (And the fact that Havelock is soon to borrow an awfully large chunk of his wardrobe...)
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby DollyKim » Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:24 am

I think he looks great. My eyes can go dark like that in allergy season, it could also be a sign of other health problems so it works with his character. If he's around a lot of smoke then it could literally be getting in to his eyes.
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby Vetinari » Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:54 am

:D Thanks! I think I'd gotten so used to his black pair that I'd forgotten why I like them - they really do match who he is.
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby KitKat » Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:14 am

He looks great!! No, you didn't over do it in the eyes. I've seen that dark druggy look plenty of times. (Partied way to hard in my youth.)

As for the color. I am pretty partial to the black/blue ones, but a good alternative are the greens.
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby Vetinari » Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:39 am

:lol: Thanks! If you think it looks authentic I guess it worked!

I think I'm going to stick to the blue/black pair after all then! (Possibly with the greens as a low-lighting alternative, since they work in that sterotypical: red-hair + green eyes = magic way)
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby Nella » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:23 pm

You did a great job on the bags under the eyes! I don't think it's too much at all. :)
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby mica » Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:22 am

Burst out laughing at the eye-roll :lol:
I like the darker blue/grey ones & I think he looks perfect for the character !
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Re: Drax - an update & a few questions

Postby Vetinari » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:26 pm

:D Thanks guys! I'm glad this reflects what I was trying to do - I didn't manage it at all with Anon./Benedict Cumberbatch MNM - I just couldn't bring myself to add harsh colours to the sculpt... Even though he's supposed to be a cyborg so the flesh should look just a bit necrotic... (Well I imagine Drax's head has now swollen to the size of a gas giant...)

I've got a horrible feeling that Drax may end up claiming all of the eyes... Except maybe the hazel ones... I suppose they could change colour according to the ambient light/background "magic"
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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