Trethowan wrote:AmberRose wrote:i was told they are working on blue and grey resins too from my group order i am in
That's really cool.
With their quality craftsmanship, customer service and sale prices I think they'll be a serious contender for Resinsoul's market. RS is great for thinner characters and their heads are definitely way, way better but Miro offers a really nice thick body option. Paired with RS heads I can see these doll combinations popping up more often. <3
I agree!
But Miro has a few really nice sculpts themselves! They just take horrible photos. And they have to name all their sculpts. Why are some only numbered?!
I've handled/or own almost all their 1/3 heads and 2 are quite beautiful and as well-sculpted as any company's(Wind and 1/3 Boy #02); two are sooo ugly they're actually neat in a way (Miro Girl Head #06 and Boy Head #08) and they're very realistic looking. Not 'awkwardly' or amateurish sculpted----they look real and human. I'm using those 2 for 2 of my portrait dolls and they're some of my favorites that resemble their actual voice actors!!
Then, the other 2 I've had (William, Girl #05) are very nice in their own way. With the right faceup, they'd look lovely, I think.
The only 1/3 ones I'm not fond of are Thunder and Lightning. They seem rather stiff and not well-done. Maybe because they were their first tries? Those 2 seem a bit amateurish. But still decent if you like 'unrealistic' looking faces.
I should photograph all the heads because Miro takes horrible angles and photos, so you can't see how nice each sculpt really is....