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Mirodoll Hand Swap

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Mirodoll Hand Swap

Postby Trethowan » Sat May 04, 2013 11:57 pm

Test 1: Failure. The DZ hands were too short and fat, like little child hands. Plus the resin didn't match, but I was planning on blushing that out.

Test 2: Another fail. The Resinsoul hands were not a match; they're exactly the same length and overall shape as the Miro hands AND the wrist-ball thing is too big for the slender Miro forearm/wrist connection. So the hand sits on top of the forearm piece and... well, it would work if you wanted your doll to have a swollen deformed wrist look going on. HA!

Also, the myriad of s-hooks I had didn't fit in the Mirodoll wrist either. The forearm was so small they were using what I thought was YoSD sized elastic and the channels were too small for s-hooks to fit. I tried several hooks but none of them worked, they all kept getting caught on the resin, scratching it up and unhooking from the wrist.

So, if you were planning on replacing your MSD Miro hands with a prettier pair of MSD hands I wish you the best of luck finding something that will work.
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Re: Mirodoll Hand Swap

Postby Greyhaunt » Sun May 05, 2013 12:10 pm

After seeing the wrists firsthand I was afraid that would be the case. The wrist opening reminds me of the wrists on the 26cm bobobie/rs dolls. I tried to put an S hook in one of those, I even made the S hook out of a paperclip and it still wouldn't work.

bummer for you on that :(
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Re: Mirodoll Hand Swap

Postby magkelly » Sun May 05, 2013 6:25 pm

Okay then I'm definitely taking the rotary tool to mine then. I'm going to sand down the tips a bit and see of that helps. Might lose a bit of the nail bed but I don't care about that. I can always fake a nail with paint or put some false ones on. The last of bit of the finger is freakishly long from the 3rd knuckle anyhow so if I just sand off a 1/16 of an inch or so it probably won't matter much. I'll let you know how it looks when I get it done. I'll take a look and see tomorrow.
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Re: Mirodoll Hand Swap

Postby richila » Mon May 06, 2013 9:00 am

Hmm... Cordie's S-hooks are made of piano wire-maybe something like that would work? DHawk made them for me. :D
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Re: Mirodoll Hand Swap

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Mon May 06, 2013 11:43 am

I used ornament hooks to make s-hooks for my Mirodoll boy... I didn't replace his hands, just added the hooks to them.

-__- the ornament hooks were too weak to work with the feet so I used sturdy craft wire to add s-hook type thingies to the feet.
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