KitKat wrote:Le Sigh....just got turned down on my second interview for a school. I'ts a rough job market out there. Even in the world of teaching. I'm so bummed.
I know the feeling... It took me 5 years (and a year where I said screw it and went to Japan to teach English) to find a full time art position. Then after 7 years I lost it due to budget cuts. I was lucky enough to find the ONLY full time permanent art job within an hour of here last year. I count myself lucky I lost my job when I did, a larger district is consolidating and closing elementary schools (and cutting art of course... why would K-3 want/need art?) and there are MORE art teachers looking for jobs.
Are you going to sub or look for something else? My cousin just graduated and is so discouraged by the lack of jobs (early elementary) that she's considering working at a bank or something for a couple years. You don't get benefits for subbing (except long term) but it can get your foot in the door. Stuff happens, sometimes a school needs someone NOW, and if you have a good reputation with them, you can get in. I did several long term jobs that way, including an entire semester sabbatical leave, got health benefits and everything with that one!
Hang in there!
I know teaching is tough... had no idea it was a tough job to get too.
Depending on where you are... it's VERY tough. Schools just aren't hiring, they aren't replacing retirees, they are consolidating into larger classes or eliminating things that 'aren't important'... like music and art of course. >_<