angiwyn wrote:Itsaiya wrote:I used some of it to get an OOP figure kit that I passed by while looking at the doujin book... (in other words, also from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers >.> ... ( know, I wish the name wasn't so Power Rangers-like... I like the 1995 American title - Ronin Warriors - better x_x But then I still feel like I'm flashing into the 1980s for a split second).
I've been hunting for the dvd set for YST (talk about unobtainable), I didn't get into it till college when it was playing on cartoon network. So I've always been more familiar with the dub version than the original (saddness), but I've really been wanting to watch it again. I blame finding my Cye/Shin action figure. XD
I'm only really used to the ENglish, myself, I just looked up the Japanese on youtube xD
I've seen the set on ebay from between $100-300 x_x Amazon = more ont he $300 side... but it's hard to say whats a rip or not, on Ebay... a possible recording of a recording of a recording and not the real thing, lol >_<
and roflmao - Looks like we were both enticed back to the dark side by Cye/Shin D: ....except I had no figures, so I guess walking through a dream with a Tacobell bag works
(Mmmm....tacos.... *will follow tacos anywhere... tacos and only tacos...*)
Excuse me while I herpaderp on YST for a few paragraphs
x_x But I do have an awesome link for you found a site that has the English version, of all it's episodes....minus the OAV episodes D: I can't find those.... (except on youtube, buit without subtitles.... only in Japanese or Italian....)
well, I did find one or two OAVs on ebay, but theres supposedly 3 different ones... (and I can only find two of them as sep DVDs =_= and both about $40+ on ebay) one where Ryo and Sage are sorta kidnapped to Africa or something by some dude in black inferno armor and Cye just... doesn't want to fight anymore, being the pacifist of them all... (but I couldn't tell what started that cause it just showed them fighting the kidnapper guy initially and when Cye looks at them, the other ronins are all creepy and faceless and sounding weirded D: but it was all in Japanese with no translation OTL So I guess he freaked out? ionno.... a bit after that, he falcon punched Rowan >_>;), I think the second one is Sage's armor going nutterbutters in NYC and killing people, so they all go there to find out whats going on... and I -think- the third one is with some lady who believes the armors are the cause of all suffering and tries to destroy them...
It's hard to say because it -looks- like there were two stories/plots per OAV DVD....
Honestly, the English voices sound a hundred times better, in my opinion =x even with the surfer dude voice of Ryo's... though I really don't like Rowan/Touma's english voice OTL "Heavy Brooklyn accent".... he sounds more like a male version of Nanny Fine from "The Nanny" (minus her laugh...) .... not Brooklynite...
The Japanese voices... Cye/Shin sounds like a girl (and he's supposed to be the oldest??) o_O So does Ryo.... Kento/Shu was "meh"....nothing great, nothing bad...but the English voice actor gave a better energy to the character. >_> Sage/Seiji was ok.... I don't really have anything to say about the Japanese VA... and Rowan/Touma's Japanese VA was good in comparison to the English... though there was one point I saw where he was doing a transformation sequence with Sage... and lol. Sage did his bit, then Touma... and his voice was so deep at random I nearly fell out of my chair in surprise, lol.
Dunno, but for once I just like the English better... x_x I say that very few times... one of the very few others being Cowboy Bebop, lol
/end herpaderp
Akihito [DZ Yuu], Red [ED Red], Sweetpea [DF Popo], Apollo [BBB Apollo], Reli [B&G Sharon], (phoenix) Efriete [B&G Afra], (human) Efriete [Migidoll Miho], Seth [Migidoll Ryu], Horus [Obitsu 50cm].
Do want: DR Xiao chi [as Xieu]; DOD Luke v2 [as Daven]; DIM Rain [as Rain]