Hmmm, oh I got one.
Just the other day I was at a doll meet that I'd arranged at a library. We were in a private room, but the doors were open. All the dolls were displayed on the tables and such, and someone had brought her new Withdoll boy. She didn't have him face-upped or had clothes on him yet, but she wanted to show us the new body.
Anyway, a little girl and her dad came into the room. They thought the dolls were part of the art display in the hallways outside and she wanted to look at them. So we say go ahead, and then I think, wait, there's a nekkid BOY doll on the table the kid's looking at! As I'm thinking it, the lady who owned it quickly slid in and snatched the boy up and moved him to another table. lol
I think the poor kid might've seen it, though. She didn't go any further. Her dad's like "Frozen?" She nods and then he laughs and they leave. I don't think HE noticed the doll, but that poor kid. It definitely wasn't a Barbie she was looking at.