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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby yarwel » Tue May 07, 2013 7:09 pm

He's Here!!!
No eyes or wig yet, but he's already looking rather dapper. I'll have time tomorrow to make him some fur wigs and maybe take some better pictures.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby SetsunaKou » Tue May 07, 2013 8:03 pm

yarwel wrote:He's Here!!!
No eyes or wig yet, but he's already looking rather dapper. I'll have time tomorrow to make him some fur wigs and maybe take some better pictures.

Congratulations!!! I know you were getting worried about him!!! I'm so glad he's finally home for you!!!! ^^
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed May 08, 2013 8:57 am

I just bought an 11cm Obitsu body and Parabox petite fairy prepainted head for my daughter as a surprise. She's been wanting a tiny and I think this one will be great for her.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Nella » Wed May 08, 2013 11:59 am

Congratulations on finally receiving your boy, yarwel!
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Vetinari » Fri May 10, 2013 4:13 am

Woo! Sabik arrived this morning! Pictures as soon as I receive them...

...My father being at the address I sent him to had this to say before he mentioned anything else: "He has genatalia..." :lol:
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby WhiteDove01s » Fri May 10, 2013 5:18 am

Let's see, there's my May the Fourth splurge. Ultimate Hair Amidala arrived, but still waiting on Grand Moff Tarkin, Qui-Gon, and a two pack of Pit Droids.

Also, placed my first Junkyspot order, so now am also waiting on the following Obitsu, all fleshtone with magnet feet: a 21cm male, 27cm slim male, and 27cm soft bust 3 female. And a two pack of heads. And two teeny tiny brushes. And I have plans for the whole lot...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Faydreams » Fri May 10, 2013 10:41 am

Well I hope layaway counts. I have a 42cm Resinsoul Ju coming to me as soon as I can pay off the rest of my layaway on Denver Dolls E. I am hoping they will let me pay the payments early as I get paid every two weeks and that would work best for me. Cross your fingers and wish me the best of luck.

I already have plans on how I want her to look but I am having trouble finding her a wig that I can use. Most of the wigs I find in the right color (golden Brown) are made from some sort of sheep or goat hair. I am allergic to sheep and goat hair (yep, even the raw stuff). All the other wigs that I have found with the synthetic fibers are the wrong color. I have a feeling this will be a long term project in getting her the right look.

Either way, I'm still on pins and needles here drooling over all the pictures I can find of this sculpt online. I've watched about two dozen deboxing videos on you tube (some of them more than once), and I've started planning on what I will be sewing for her first.

I think this little lady has a grip on my sanity. :lol:
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby TsukiNoKemuri » Fri May 10, 2013 11:57 am

After more than five weeks, I was getting too antsy about not having heard anything from Mirodoll since I placed my order, so I e-mailed them. They responded quickly... my Wind and Lightning are both made, but the faceups aren't done yet. They offered to mail them as-is immediately and refund the faceups charges if I was in a rush to receive them -- but, nah, I can wait a while longer. Just worried they were somehow forgotten about... but thank goodness they're not.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Evelien » Sun May 12, 2013 2:19 pm

I juuuuust ordered a blank white skin Asleep Eidolon Peppermint from Mint on Card, the second to last that they're selling :D. I also ordered an extra pair of point and fist hands with her. She's in stock so it'll be a short wait, but extra exciting because I chose cheap shipping ($30 instead of the normal $90, gulp) and there will be no tracking info. Since international shipping rates from the USA went through the roof, ordering from there is no longer a valid option for me, usually, LOL. But since she's so small and the total order value being below $150, I got the cheap shipping option. Her arrival will be a total surprise!!! :D

She'll be Bailey's tiny 16cm toddler sister :D :D
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Vetinari » Mon May 13, 2013 7:51 am

Woo! First layaway payment for the 2 Dollzone bodies down:

70-003 in White Skin for Drax and
65cm male in Pink Skin for Jerome

Drax and Jerome shall be completed at the same time, and reunited! Woo! Hooray for events!

The new 70cm body still looks fairly skinny, but not to the extent as the 72cm body that Drax was previously on. It has some muscle tone which is perfect for his character as a drug-addled back-packer/adventurer.

The Thin White Duke will get Drax's old body, since it's so skinny it's perfect for mid-70's era (or any era) Bowie
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
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