Surprise!Doll Family A Yanji arrived today (Surprise as in he was going cheap on DOA, but then shipping took an age so I forgot all about him...)
I've fallen head over heels for the sculpt already, but I can't work out what to do with him... He's got such sharp features! He's got big sticky-out ears - which are adorable! Eek He seems to be able to take 14-18mm eyes quite happily, I'm liking the iris size of 14 best but there's a little gapping. Not sure what body I'll go for - maybe a Fantasy doll 69cm, or maybe a Doll Family 63cm...
I'm kinda thinking stereotypical male bjd that is ridiculously girly since I don't really have one of those yet... (Jerome doesn't really count, it's complicated) But I'm not sure... Hmm thinking long pink wig maybe, hell he could be a friend of Jerome's/Drax's on the club scene completely unrelated to the main (unpleasant) backstory/plot around Jareth and the parallel adventures of Drax. Hmm maybe he'll have meetings with Havelock, since Havelock by necessity is unrelated to anything plot-related too... Oh dear!