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Barbie/Liv Hybrid neck question

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Barbie/Liv Hybrid neck question

Postby WhiteDove01s » Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:51 am

yarwel wrote:You can use yarn and/or faux fur for wig making as well synthetic hair. :)
It might be easier to find? It also gives you different looks.

Yes, I've been disassembling some old stuffies from the back room for their fur - some of it anyway. Mold had gotten into the bag so most of the stuffing and bits of fur are a loss, but I intend to make more than a few practice wigs from that. I also have some knee-highs I'm learning to make wig caps from, and I very carefully saved as much of the hair as possible from any of the Back Room Barbies that were de-haired for parts.

Most of those stuffies are older fur though, some of which doesn't look all that hair-like... but some might work out. I'm going to give it a try and see. XD

I thought yarn would be a bit big for 1/6 scale, at least most of the yarn I have. I tried to untwist some and see how it would work, though. I'm not ruling out making 'dreadlocks' of punch-embroidery thread though. It's basically a thin yarn like embroidery thread but not glossy-finish like the stuff for cross-stitch.

Oh, on a side note, I've also found out Fashionista Barbie heads fit male Obitsu 27cm slim body almost /perfectly/... well, except for the color, but that's what paint's for. The only catch is if the head is tilted all the way back a small gap can be seen between it and the neck. Otherwise it fits and poses great. :) I hope to get a couple more Fashionistas come store-day, and probably take a dremel to the head of one to make it look more male...
Playscale-Obsessed Mad Scientist with more cheap vinyl dolls than I'm willing to count.
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