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Using MSC UV CUT on Tan Resin technique

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Re: Using MSC UV CUT on Tan Resin technique

Postby twiddle66 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:15 am

Some of you who have complained about MSC UV Cut creating a haze or cloudiness over your Tan Resin face ups.

I have a tip that may be useful. I actually use this tip whenever spraying darker colored resins.

After spraying your initial coat of MSC UV CUT, pounce the face with a similar color of powdered pastel. Then spray your second coat of MSC UV CUT to bind it to the surface before beginning the feature painting.

you can pounce a second coat of the skin tone colored patel over the entire pice again and then use a bit of white tac or kneaded eraser to gently remove it from the painted features before for final sealing spray.

If you do body blushing, and I always do, you can even use a different skin tone pastel to acheive a heightened skin tone - or to shift the color.

If you have a tan doll that has faded a bit grey green you can do an over all pounce of a reddish brown to bring back the color. or you can create lovely Caramel colored skin tones and other ethnic varities of brown skin tones by using slightly different brown patels from the resin color.

It works for accessories too.

I used the technique on a pukipuki Event Pumpkin Head. It was a very pretty Melon Orange or Cantalope color- but I really wanted a deeper orange so I used the MSC and a deep orange pastel and pounce two coats on it. It came up very vibrant orange and has the benefit of the UV CUT without any milky hazing.
i see dead dolliehs
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