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MH Gil Webber skin and fin paint color matches?

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MH Gil Webber skin and fin paint color matches?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:12 am

I was wondering if there are any paint color matches for Monster High doll Gil Webber's skin and fins?

I need a color that matches his skin because the paint is coming off his hands and showing the translucent blue plastic underneath. It was that way when he came to me in the mail. His hands were all scratched up with large gashes, paint was goopy in spots like a big fuzz was stuck in the paint, and places on his fingers and finger tips weren't even painted.

I need a color match for his fins so I can customize his scales to match his fin color.

Please forgive my lack of images. It's hard to find pictures that match his exact colors in real life, so I'm hoping someone who has a Gil Webber in real life would be able to judge colors. If not, I have a link to a Google Image search for his doll below:

http://www.google.com/search?gs_rn=25&g ... yAG7wID4Dw
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Re: MH Gil Webber skin and fin paint color matches?

Postby WhiteDove01s » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:06 am

Unfortunately, Playscale Theater includes no Monster High dolls. If I had one of these I'd bump him up to the top of the list on my colormatch project to see what I can do. :/ Hopefully someone here has one and is willing to give the matching process a try.
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Re: MH Gil Webber skin and fin paint color matches?

Postby DollyKim » Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:19 am

Take him on a trip to the craft store. Chances are one of those cheap packs of plastic jars with a range of colors in themes like ocean could have it.
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Re: MH Gil Webber skin and fin paint color matches?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:26 pm

Thank you, that's a good idea. I'll take one of his little hands with me next time I'm able to go to the store. It just might take a while because I'm always either in the hospital, or if I'm home my immune system is too low to go to the store (plus my dumb anxiety, blah). I'll write back here if I find the color match, but if anyone is able to find it before me, I'd appreciate it a whoooooooole lot if you could write it here. :P

I noticed it seems like even just moving his hands around to pose causes paint to come off around his wrists. I was wondering if using a sealant like MSC would keep the paint from coming off more? Does anyone know? :?
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