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New Suxs Thread

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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Kae915 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:57 pm

Why do people insist on going out when they are sick? Now I'm sick and it doesn't feel good
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby absynthe1972 » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:48 pm

DollyKim wrote:@absynthe1972 If someone is going to take their life it's a long process with many things going on, there isn't a single event that will cause it.

I know that, but it's still hard to process. Joanie had a LOT going on in her life, serious illness and troubles with her husband that had been going on for years, a certain boss we shared that made everyone's life a living hell and the union couldn't do anything to help no matter what they tried (and believe me, they tried EVERYTHING to make the evil boss lady back off to no avail)...and she also dealt with serious depression issues her whole life. Same with another friend from the office. It's just...really hard to wrap my head around it.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby oniakki » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:33 am

Kae915 wrote:Why do people insist on going out when they are sick? Now I'm sick and it doesn't feel good


As to people that go out when they're obviously sick, it's because they want to share their misery with everyone else! In all seriousness though, I know a number of people that simply can't afford to stay home from their jobs when they're sick.

Also, from what I understand, many diseases are infectious and are being spread long before they manifest any symptoms. There are also people that rarely get sick themselves (me for example), but carry and spread the diseases.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby quidam » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:43 am

absynthe1972 wrote: Seriously. I'm just in shock...and feeling a bit guilty that we didn't keep in contact after she transferred to another office building (same agency as me).

I think it's fairly normal to think that way.
When my Uncle took his life, all I could think about was how I should have called him in the weeks prior. In reality, it's unlikely it would have changed anything as, like you, I knew nothing about what was going on in his thought life.
I can't say that this thought actually beings comfort, but it does help put things into perspective.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby famedglory » Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:06 am

Kae915 wrote:Why do people insist on going out when they are sick? Now I'm sick and it doesn't feel good

I'm sorry. I'm actually one of those people right now, and there are three other people in my office with something similiar. I don't really have the sick time right now to stay home, and I already spread whatever germs I had that made me sick yesterday before I started presenting as sick. I've been disinfecting everything I touch and warning people I'm sick so that they can try to keep their distance.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Kae915 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:23 am

I understand if your working and I guess people are buying meds. It's just weird for me though I have been sick a lot in the last year, but haven't been sick even once in the 5 years before that. It seems like all these people are thinking "I'm sick, let's go to Walmart!"
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby SpiralPrince » Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:26 am

I've been having a string of bad days lately and I just feel drained by them. My cards are all kaput so I gotta send a mail order to MOC... I just don't wanna loose my layaway because I am going to buy Aggie and I dun wanna just have to repay for her.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby Kae915 » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:41 pm

SpiralPrince wrote:I've been having a string of bad days lately and I just feel drained by them. My cards are all kaput so I gotta send a mail order to MOC... I just don't wanna loose my layaway because I am going to buy Aggie and I dun wanna just have to repay for her.

The policy says you have a 30 day grace period before you lose anything.

It has definitely been one crappy week
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby SpiralPrince » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:27 pm

Kae915 wrote:
SpiralPrince wrote:I've been having a string of bad days lately and I just feel drained by them. My cards are all kaput so I gotta send a mail order to MOC... I just don't wanna loose my layaway because I am going to buy Aggie and I dun wanna just have to repay for her.

The policy says you have a 30 day grace period before you lose anything.

It has definitely been one crappy week

and it's gotten crappier.... the only light at the end of the tunnel is I found a hundred bucks... which is good, but how I found it is bad. Bittersweet bittersweet.
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Re: New Suxs Thread

Postby kenaiqueen » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:48 pm

Dancing with UPS again. Seriously, they are sucking the fun out of doll collecting, or at least the exciting part of getting that box. Short story: Delivery due on Friday sometime (probably late in the day) and the DH's bosses have asked him to leave on our trip up to the big city earlier than we planned. So no one will be here to take delivery. I called Tonner and asked them to re-route it (it will have to go thru the big city first) but they apparently didn't understand what I asked them to do and just sent another update. *Bang head on keyboard - Argh!*
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