I think we should be using helical wind turbines instead of the typical pinwheel shape. Helixes are more efficient because they don't need motors to turn them into the wind. Also, they look really cool.
Evelien wrote:I was invited to join a reality show about really short and really tall people (I'm a 6'3" tall girl). Granted, the TV company that does the show is a well respected company - I watch a lot of their shows - and it pays nicely, but still HELL NO!!!
Kirahfaye wrote:You are not a witch (or anything else that rhymes with it). You are a fed up patient who finally got some of what she needed handled. The fact that you had to be less than polite to get it done is THEIR problem. Not yours.
Vetinari wrote:Anyone able to recommend a good pen/paper RPG that doesn't really need multiple sourcebooks to get going? After Warhammer and Call of Cthulhu fancy something different! ...That and various fancy dice sets are sitting gathering dust
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