so I did make a photo story with those snow pictures. I know you saw it already Okami. Here is the link for anyone else who would like to see the rest of the shots from that day, and get to know him a little bit He's very sad there. Sorry bout that. He tends to be really moody.
This is the best pic I have of him next to Ethan. Ethen is wearing shoes and you can see how thick souled they were and a hat... and D is still a hair taller, barefoot. He's leaned back a bit so you can see some of the separation of his joints in this too. I use suede to suede which forces the joints apart where I wish so I can het better movement without rubbing.
D's attitude is VERY different than any other gang I have met or seen. I love the pictures of he and Ridley together. just the contrast in skin color was beautiful. Soon I'll have shots of him with Angel and... if you ever wanted a body comparison between my modded out one and another that hasn't been, they will be super close