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Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Myrretah » Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:29 pm

so I did make a photo story with those snow pictures. I know you saw it already Okami. Here is the link for anyone else who would like to see the rest of the shots from that day, and get to know him a little bit http://www.dolliehsanctuary.com/sanctuary/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7658. He's very sad there. Sorry bout that. He tends to be really moody.

This is the best pic I have of him next to Ethan. Ethen is wearing shoes and you can see how thick souled they were and a hat... and D is still a hair taller, barefoot. He's leaned back a bit so you can see some of the separation of his joints in this too. I use suede to suede which forces the joints apart where I wish so I can het better movement without rubbing.


D's attitude is VERY different than any other gang I have met or seen. I love the pictures of he and Ridley together. just the contrast in skin color was beautiful. Soon I'll have shots of him with Angel and... if you ever wanted a body comparison between my modded out one and another that hasn't been, they will be super close :)
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:33 pm

Haha close is... an understatement. We'll need a crowbar to pry those two apart.
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby jemlovecraft » Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:52 pm

Ohmygod what a gorgeous doll and he poses so well. *_* I love his story and expressions.
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Myrretah » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:28 am

Thank you so much Jemlovecraft! He's always changing. It seems like every time I look at him there is something new. I mean it makes him a bit hard to pin down but... it's fun. His story... Oh my. Well that got organized the other day and we discovered that something which we thought was just a single book is actually a trilogy. I'm working on the bulk of his story with another writer. It's really long. we kept crashing the program we were writing it in, LOL. I'm sure he and Angel are quite pleased by that fact.

One week Okami. One week and we'll be able to see if it's worth trying to separate them at all. He always looks so sweet when he's thinking about Angel. sometimes, it's like Dallieh can see him, just there. so close but just beyond touch. He looks so lost when he's looking at Angel.

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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby absynthe1972 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:32 am

Nella wrote:That shot of him in the snow is haunting. He sounds like a very intersting character!

Ditto! And wow! Just wow!
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Rage_girl » Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:59 pm

wow i did not know his tattoos were so detailed. do you have any problems with them coming off
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Myrretah » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:51 pm

I haven't had a problem with the tattoos really coming off that much. He's had them on for... hmm, over a year at this point... well over a year. He's over 3 years old. There are certain touch points that wear. His black middle finger for example always wears faster because he's got grabby paws. I found a fix though. I sealed him using a satin polycrylic and then MSC over the top to flatten it back out. Works like a charm. I am going to do some work on him though because I want to continue to transform him into what he is. That means stripping and then recreating every single tattoo. YAY. That will be a pain but will be worth it once he is done. He is so special to me and it means a lot that he is what he wants to be. Here is a picture of him playing for Angel. Sometimes Angel just looks at him, then the guitar, then him again... and Dallieh can't help but pick it up to play for him. Angel got him the guitar as a birthday present. They... get things for each other like that. Dallieh surprised Angel with a trip, just for them, one year that was on his birthday because Angel never told him when his was and they had been together for over a year. He knew he had missed it and thought that... well he thought that Angel was just the best thing so... he didn't know what else to do. A couple years later Angel does the same thing back, and at first Dallieh doesn't understand because Angel knows when his birthday is... then realizes what Angel did and now just can't seem to help himself... Then, when Angel sings, it's all he can do to keep his fingers working and not just crash into him and hold on till the world ends. I guess that's just how D is though. He's a beautiful creature.

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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Rage_girl » Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:46 pm

^^ D photos so well. i really need to get up there and visit you guys so i can meet him
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby Myrretah » Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:58 pm

you are welcome any time. He's all chippy though cause he old and needs his face-up redone. It's funny because his tattoos are all still fine, but his face-up and other odd spots.... yeah. I swear he gets rubs in the weirdest places. there is no logical explanation for it at all.
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Re: Dallieh (resin soul gang, modded, tattooed, undead)

Postby quidam » Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:51 pm

It's so wonderful to see a Gang! He's one of my favorite sculpts, but seems to be very unappreciated. You did a lovely job on him!
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