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Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

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Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Aoibara » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:13 pm

In case for those who don't know what Ouji is, it is kinda like a male version of Lolita. It resembles outfits worn by young boys back in the Rococo and Victorian eras. http://hellolace.net/styles/ouji <- Click here for more info. Not to be confused with male ver. of Elegant Gothic Aristocrat.

There are many characters wearing ouji inspired fashions, just like how there are LOTS of anime and game girls wearing lolita inspired outfits (Rozen Maiden girls, Celestia Rudenberg (Danganronpa), etc.). Perhaps one famous example of a character wearing a Ouji inspired outfit is Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji).

So, like the question says, is there any Ouji inspired outfits I can find for a 1/3 BJD boy? I know Dollheart, but I am afraid I can't spend 100 dollars for a fancy outfit. So, is there any cheaper alternative, like under 90 dollars? If there is any, thanks!
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby poetrae » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:36 pm

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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby zirconmermaid » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:58 pm

Check out Dollheart. THey make several of them. Or commission one!
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Aoibara » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:23 am

poetrae: Thanks!

Zirconmermaid: Thanks, but Dollheart is too expensive for me ^^;
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:23 pm

Aoibara wrote:poetrae: Thanks!

Zirconmermaid: Thanks, but Dollheart is too expensive for me ^^;

Learn to sew.

The kind of elaborate outfit you want takes about 20-30 hours to make, plus materials (which are not cheap), because a lot of it has to be hand-sewn to look good. At that rate, even at $5/hour (and really, is that FAIR?) an outfit like that is going to cost you $100. Very few people are going to charge you less than Dollheart, which has the "advantage" of having cheap Chinese labor.

So if you want that sort of outfit, and you can't afford $100, learn to sew.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Aoibara » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:34 am

victoriavictrix wrote:
Aoibara wrote:poetrae: Thanks!

Zirconmermaid: Thanks, but Dollheart is too expensive for me ^^;

Learn to sew.

The kind of elaborate outfit you want takes about 20-30 hours to make, plus materials (which are not cheap), because a lot of it has to be hand-sewn to look good. At that rate, even at $5/hour (and really, is that FAIR?) an outfit like that is going to cost you $100. Very few people are going to charge you less than Dollheart, which has the "advantage" of having cheap Chinese labor.

So if you want that sort of outfit, and you can't afford $100, learn to sew.

Sounds like a plan, since sewing is something I wish to do someday. I even have that hand me down sewing set from my mother, and do understand about materials and stitching. (Oh yes. They ain't cheap.). The major issue is where to start. How am I supposed to make patterns, or should I practice with other people's patterns first (If they are available for download.)?

$5 per hour. Indeed, it isn't fair, but I seriously can't say much about it.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby oniakki » Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:12 am

Aoibara wrote:{...}

Sounds like a plan, since sewing is something I wish to do someday. I even have that hand me down sewing set from my mother, and do understand about materials and stitching. (Oh yes. They ain't cheap.). The major issue is where to start. How am I supposed to make patterns, or should I practice with other people's patterns first (If they are available for download.)?

$5 per hour. Indeed, it isn't fair, but I seriously can't say much about it.

As a relatively new sewer (seamstress? clothier? whatever) myself, I suggest starting with other people's patterns (the simpler the better to start with), we have a number of them in the total sewing section. Then dig up some basic tutorials about tailoring (I think there are some here in the tips & tricks section) to adjust the patterns to fit your doll past simple scaling. Like all things I suggest adding one 'trick' at a time, as trying to figure out two at once can be a pain! For beginning starting fabrics, visiting a thrift store and picking up bed sheets and clothing for really cheap is an excellent source of material, as if you mess up you're not out a massive amount of cash. (That's actually the problem I have mostly is an insane fear of screwing it up and 'wasting' materials... Even though I tell myself, the materials I'm using are cheap and plentiful, and if I learned something it's not a waste.)

Best of luck!
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:17 pm

OK let me get you a link to some good patterns from people I have tried.

Here is an MSD girl's lolita dress you could modify to be a boy's tunic:


Here are James' free patterns. Mixed SD and MSD


These are Japanese but patterns are patterns.


Tutorials and free patterns, mostly for girls, but the style you want you can probably adapt from girls.


Undead Threads patterns


Shirt Patterns


Outer Wear


A Deviant Art group for BJD Patterns


Ira Scargear's patterns


These are all free patterns, and the best thing to do when you are learning to sew is use basic things like these. You can always fancy up the basic garments with lots of lace and ribbons.

Once you have mastered the basics you can go on to patterns you actually pay for.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:23 pm

You might want to buy this pattern now to use once you are past the basics


or this one


Both these pattern collections have boy patterns of exactly the kind of outfit you are looking for. I have ordered from Peapod, they have been around a long time.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby victoriavictrix » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:29 pm

I don't know what your budget is, but while I was browsing I found ONE store that will order an outfit like you want for you.


I have ordered from Doll Market before, they are quite reliable.

Please note that this is for 1/3 (SD) size only, and the outfit is not in stock, you will have to order it and pay for it and they will get it from Dollzone.
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