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The Dollieh Waiting Room

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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Vetinari » Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:05 pm

...Wow - that was quick, it's not been a month yet but just got the shipping notice from Fantasy Doll... Anon.s body is due any day, and I've not actually bought any of the EL stuff that I'll need for the mods...
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby MitisFeles » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:07 am

Vetinari wrote:...Wow - that was quick, it's not been a month yet but just got the shipping notice from Fantasy Doll... Anon.s body is due any day, and I've not actually bought any of the EL stuff that I'll need for the mods...

That's cool! I hope they will be so quick when it will come my turn to order from them (I have a Yolanda elf on my wishlist ^_^)
I think it's a Murphy's Law's corollary: when anything it's ready for them, dolls come faster and viceversa XD

Edit: Murphy's Law corollary about dolls has somewhat confirmed today for me: the huge box from Dollmore has just come to my workplace, with no additional taxes to pay, but I have to leave it in a closet until next week because I cannot take it home this day -_-
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Kirahfaye » Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:30 am

I just paid off my Switch Ryun R head and should be getting it next week! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby TasiaChiba » Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:11 am

Congrats Mitis and Kirahfaye~ Can't wait to see them!!!

I actually will be buying another Taeyang Pullip on Thursday, along with a Dal. My siblings came in over the weekend and I had them both pick which one they wanted. I had bought an extra Pullip for my sister and wasn't sure what to get my brother... ended up my brother picked a Pullip and my sis a Taeyang! lol! That means the extra Pullip will now go to my bro, after I customize it for him, and I now have to order a Tae... so gonna order myself a Dal in the process. ^_^ Was supposed to be on dolly-buying freeze, haha! Just a slight deviation here is all~ =whistles innocently=

Discounting the two Deuce Gorgons I bought yesterday.. O_o;;; Never, ever seen him before, and priced at $10, so bought what was available. ^_^;

Still praying for good weather on a day off just so I can spray MSC.... why did it have to rain today? It was so nice yesterday!!! =cries=
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:48 pm

My Cerisedolls Tinycherry Lulu arrived today - very heavy for her size, and I can currently get her to sit and stand OK. She's called Lilac (I resisted the urge to call her Farfalle or Orechiette, despite her ears reminding me of pasta shapes!)
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Pandor » Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:57 pm

My JS black friday box is only 3 days away! Eeeee~!
Also waiting on a 70cm DF-H "practice" head. That's probably a few months away, though. :)
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Vetinari » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:32 pm

Woo my Fdoll 69cm body was finally delivered this afternoon! (...after spending a week just sitting in the depot for no apparent reason...) If it weren't for the odd hand sculpts, and some slight awkwardness to the side-view profile around the hip-area you wouldn't be able to tell this was from a "cheaper" company. It almost seems a shame that I plan to attack him with a dremel :twisted:
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby Pandor » Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:28 pm

Gots my tan elf last friday, really need to work on getting the box opening video edited and uploaded. :P I wish the weather were nicer so I could get to customizing him! (Also, the random pair of eyes he came with? They were GLUED in his head! :o Why, Kiki? Why?? It took me forever to carefully pry them out!) But I'm happy anyway, eee tan elves are best elves. <3
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:22 pm

About to place a pre-order with Mint on Card to get a body upgrade for Vorel, and a head for my Dollzone 65 body. I am teh excite.
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Re: The Dollieh Waiting Room

Postby MitisFeles » Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:46 am

Just started a layaway for a Withdoll Juwel in grey UV Skin. I wasn't in haste to get a second MSD, Dahlia is still in her box because I hadn't enought time to make her someting to stay on (a couch or a bed), but I feared to miss the special skin event and, hearing about long Withdoll waiting time, I'll probably get him when I'll be again in desperate dollieh need again XD
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