I'll be heading out on a airplane this next week. (Eek, it's that soon already!? Oh geez.) So, I was wondering, how do you guys transport your dolls? Cloth case, plastic case, handkerchief? Something else? If you do use a fabric case, extra please to let me see a pic.
I've decided to name my girl, Juniper. She'll be a colorful but skeptical girl. (Really, she seems to always be looking at me skeptically.)
Added some velcro to her head that had adhesive on it already. (Sticker velco?) Hopefully the Arizona heat doesn't mess with it up, she most likely won't be outside, but you never know. At least her wig is staying where it should now! Sewing for her has been fun, despite having to deal with her itty bitty waist compared to her boobs.
I have some pics of her clothing so far, here: http://s289.photobucket.com/albums/ll23 ... 20Uploads/
I've sewn the shorts tonight. (Last night for those of you just waking) Holy, she has some giant thighs. I'll have to remember to take that into account when I make her some jeans. Anyone have tips about sewing stuff for this big boobed/thighs of a girly?
I'll have too much time on my hands when I'm not attached to my SO's side... So, I'll need something to occupy myself...
I got an inquiry from my boyfriend of if I could make her a collar/leash for her. How would you guys go about doing this if it was you and only had a walmart for your craft supplies? (Ick but can't be helped. I don't know the town well.) I'm mostly wondering why type of closure would you use for the collar bit? I have an idea for the actual leash bit.
Haha, sorry if this is long. I'm just rather excited.
Also, does anyone have a estimation of how much face-up supplies would cost? I'm just considering all possibilities of what to do while bored, maaaybe that can be on my list. I mean, I'm going to be there a month at most till I come back to CA. I'll have some time to try things with only knowing BF there.