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343 Quantum Leaps

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343 Quantum Leaps

Postby K2! » Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:49 am












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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby Trethowan » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:42 am


Lost them? Lost them how? Misplaced lost? Dead lost? This intrigues me.
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby cirquemom » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:59 am

Lost them as in LOST them, they ran away, they died, disintegrated or????
Guess we'll have to stay tuned for the answer.....
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby zirconmermaid » Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:46 am

I love the little cute "please" pose! And I know how they managed to lose at least one of them! Snicker!!
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby Greyhaunt » Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:56 am

Why do I suddenly have a Monty Python song running through my head?

"brave Sir Robin ran away, when danger reared it's ugly head he bravely ran away and fled...."

Not that I think Naru is in danger....quite the reverse actually. For a scientist Stadler really is blind to some very blatant clues that should be scaring the pants off him right now....
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby Swan » Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:27 pm

EDITED portions are highlighted with asterisks at the beginning **
I have updated to exact quotes and episode numbers and titles. Go to www.MADhVinyl to read them. >>emphasis<< mine in some places.

Advanced Medica has lost three of the four subjects: Keiko and Habiki were subjects 1 and 2.

~~ What we know about them: Miyuki knew them or she knew OF them, by name. She referred to them when she was trying to get Anna Marie to help her. I can't pull the MADhVinyl website for some reason to reference exact episode numbers, (EDIT: exact quote now provided) "Anna Marie! They're taking me to the Clinic!... It's where Keiko and Habiki went. and they never came BACK!" Miyuki to Anna Marie #096 Connection Terminated

"The Clinic"s exact whereabouts are unknown BUT Miyuki was on a flight to Hong Kong, I believe. Or someplace in the East.

** Miyuki knew them, because in her dream (after she was rescued by Diamond, but before she woke up in Farnsworth's house) she saw them both and identified them "Habiki is that you?" "Of course it's me..." ... "It's jut that you... I thought that... When you left..." "I was transferred, just like you were." "But they said you.. I thought that you... got taken away" "I went to a new school, that's all" "So... so the stories.. about the... the Clinic..." Dialogue Miyuki, Habiki #097 Dark Shadows Miyuki states that they were "transferred" to a "new school"as "another stage in our evolution. we all go there." Since it was Miyuki's dream we do not know if such information has anything to do with the truth.

Evidently they vanished, possibly during transport, much the same way Miyuki did, but NOT through the efforts of Diamond. Diamond seemed to be entirely unaware of such experiments. Hazel, on the other hand....

** Hazel would seem to be running an "underground (midair?) railroad" to rescue the nekomimis at Advanced Medica. Diamond turned to her for help and she was the one who had originally authorized Diamond to care for Anna Marie as evidenced by her words to A.M. "My, how you've grown. The last time I saw you, you were a little kitten!" -- Hazel to Anna Marie #096 Connection Terminated.

It may well be that Keiko and Habiki were actually subjects 2 and 2A and Anna Marie herself was Subject #1! we do not know. We only know that A.M. was deeply asleep under some kind of sleep spell when she "arrived" at Farnsworth's home, and that the package was not expected.

** We know more about Subject #3: Miyuki. We know that she had "implants" and may still have them in place "There are a number of severe anomalies inside that poor child" -- Diamond to Hazel #099 Familiar dreams. We know that Miyuki has an almost photographic memory "I don't know how, I just remember it" (said regarding her math or history homework). She was generally bandaged, after experiments, on her head, back and arms/hands.

** The reason I posit that Anna Marie MAY have been a subject is 1. Her arrival at Farnsworth's house under a sleep spell. 2. That, as Pinkie, she was able to enter the computer screen or at least "upload" Hyatt back INTO the computer (which act transformed her back into A.M.) and 3. that A.M. and Miyuki triggered Hyatt's "stealth programming" or "stealth circuits" "I don't know...you being biological and all. .. Programs work differently... It's more like some electromagnetic force...>>It's like the presence of another program... like myself<< with Pinky, it's like a low grade firewall, Puky's (Miyuki's) kinda different but manageable. But when Pinky and Puky get together, it's like a military grade intrusion ccountermeasure is lurking around the corner. My stealth routines kick into high gear and I'm compelled to avoid contact by any means. I'm not sure how far I'd go if someone got in the way. It's like staring down the certainty of my deletion with no possibility of escape." Hyatt to Diamond #075 Nemesis

On the other hand, he *did* say "We lost three"... not four, as he might have had A.M. been the first. So she is still a mystery.

Speaking of mysteries... 1. We still have not heard anything about a new calendar... it might not happen this year, I fear because 2. I cannot call up the MADhVinyl.com webpage! EDIT: see K2's reply below WOOT!! I'm DEFINITELY getting my calendar!! :D Ald let's see more about the VLab, eh? :D


Last edited by Swan on Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby K2! » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:17 pm

Swan wrote: I can't pull the MADhVinyl website for some reason

There was an ICANN issue, which has now been resolved. Thanks for the heads up.
Also the 2015 calendar is in the works.
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby Kirahfaye » Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:04 am

Run, little scientist - RUN! :lol:
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Re: 343 Quantum Leaps

Postby Swan » Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:02 am

Now that the MADhVinyl website's back up I've revised my quotes and added episode titles and numbers to the quotes. If you are a fanatic (as I am) feel free to reread my commentary above.

K2.. you are driving us CRAZY and that's a GOOD thing!! I haven't been this delighted over a story since I studied Star Wars when it first came out!!

There are SO many questions!! Did Hazel send Anna Marie to Diamond? Hazel seems far less shocked by the experiments done on the Nekomimis. Are Nippon Global, Advanced Medica Corp., Yutani Medical Group, Synaptic, Revline International and Gen-Tex related to each other? Are they all "facets" of a larger Dept. of Defense program? How does the computer game that Diamond refers to occasionaly fit in? Who and where is the #3 "Sisters" program that has destroyed Noriko, Nyoko and Nyoko-chan and created Naruko, the amalgamation? Are they allied with "the good guys" Hazel, Diamond etc, or with the "bad guys", Advanced Medica et al, or are they independent? Are they related to that "helper" in the electronic world? Is that "helper" Hyatt? How do the CIA MI6 and others fit in? Does the Man From U.N.C.L.E. lurk around the corner? (OK, NOW I'm just getting silly... still... *Illya*... >swoon<...) MOAR!!!!

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