So, now that I know what I'm doing with and the ChromaKey add ons, I can finish a picture in under five minutes. Anyone can do this if a Luddite like me can figure it out. XD
I've discovered that it's easiest to set the dolls in the middle of the "greenscape." It reduces shadows. I usually have to lean my dolls against things for pictures. In some of the most recent photos you can see that a lot of the green shadows remain like halos around the pictures because I've got the dolls leaned against the back of the green screen. I tried positioning them in the middle but everyone is so floppy lately they won't even stand. I do need to wire everyone.
I've erased what I could of the shadows but it's impossible to get the eraser tool in tiny nooks like inside hair curls, etc without zooming WAY in and then it's just a bunch of pixels. I don't have this problem when they're positioned away from the backdrop a bit.
One thing I noticed though, is that some of the shadows actually work for me. The ChromaKey thing pulled the green out of the picture, and it pulled the green out of the darker shadows, leaving a really nice normal shadow behind. It actually worked and looked really natural. It's the very last picture. Very cool and unexpected.
I've also discovered that it's easier to resize all of my pictures first before I start doing anything else to them. Originally I was just working with the pictures as they were but my camera takes insanely large image files. So when I would open the file to pull out the green and make it smaller the thing was SO HUGE that an eyeball would take up the entire monitor. It was REALLY hard to find the corner to even resize, and while it could be done, using makes it a bit difficult. You can't just use the "resize" tool because that resizes all layers equally so you end up with a background the size of a peppermint.
Every tutorial online I found didn't address this but ONE, which finally clued me into the sad fact. So I resize everything to 20%, or a size that's manageable. Then I open everything up for the work. It makes it so much easier when you pull out the green, and copy/paste it onto the background. Everything I post is the 500 medium size anyway, so there's no need for high-res work.
In my most recent story I did three layers. I feel so fancy! XD Abe has a dart in his butt. I had fun with that one.
I still want to build a set but this background stuff is insanely fun. K2 has inspired me to work harder and create better stories. <3
viewtopic.php?f=18&t=11270 <---- pictures.