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Hello Again! Q, A, & S

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Calendar Update

Postby K2! » Wed Aug 19, 2015 5:40 pm

The MADh Vinyl 2016 calendar, Motivational Vinyl, is NOT for sale in the MADh Vinyl Shop at Zazzle.com!
Why, you might ask, is such a money making gold mine NOT being sold?
Zazzle has refused to print the calendar. Their reason was as follows:
We would love to produce all designs submitted, however Zazzle prides itself on upholding all intellectual property rights as well as our own content guidelines and copyright policies.
In this instance, your order contained a calendar which had images of Star Wars fan art, which Zazzle is not currently licensed to produce on merchandise.

The 2016 MV calendar is an 18 month calendar (July 2015-December 2016) with the six 2015 months being take offs of Star Wars movie poster images. In the 2014 calendar one of the months had a background that was two actual Star Wars movie posters. So why was it okay in December 2013 and not now? What has changed?

The Mouse now owns Star Wars and the Mouse zealously protects its properties. Zazzle has a license agreement with the Mouse to print certain images of Mouse related properties. The Mouse has no doubt made it clear to Zazzle that they can only print approved images, fair usage and/or parody be damned. Zazzle's agreement with the Mouse is much more important than one (or many) little authors.

In any case another printer not hamstrung by the Mouse has been found. The calendars are actually cheaper than the Zazzle price and the paper stock is heavier. The down side is the images must be uploaded for every order, therefore there isn't a store to go to for you to order a calendar when ever you like. There is no volume discount so I will place an order when ever anyone wants a calendar. Just PM me for the details.

Meanwhile here are thumbnails of the forbidden images.
The posters parodied are (L-R, T-B):
The Phantom Menace teaser
Attack of the Clones teaser
Revenge of the Sith teaser
A New Hope 1980 re-release
The Empire Strikes Back one sheet style A
Return of the Jedi teaser

The 12 months of 2016 consist of motivational moments as only the MADh Vinyl girls (and guys) can provide.
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby Swan » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:00 pm

Ohhhh those pictures are DELIGHTFUL!!

>WANT!< Put me down for a calendar. Let me know how much!

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby Swan » Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:39 pm

OK everyone, if you haven't gotten your calendar... GO GET IT!

Printed on semi-glossy high quality cardstock, the pictures are simply AWESOME! Pixels do NOT do them justice, this is a Must-See-To-Believe high quality calendar! EIGHTEEN MONTHS! Starts with July, so I have it up NOW!

The small images do not show it, but woven into many of the Star Wars themed photos, looms the sinister image of Dar- er.... Chroma! All your beloved cast members are present! From sweet shy little Mittens, to the twins, Lyssa and Nyssa! Rhianna and Hyatt, too!

Filled with motivational phrases, homages to Star Wars and other fandoms, this calendar has got it ALL (with nipples!) TWENTY-ONE STARS out of a total of six! YAAYYYYYYY! I give it four paws, one tail, and several bodily organs UP!!

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby theuke » Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:35 pm

she something no she a bad ass
So what if your doll doesn’t have a faceup.
So what if your doll’s faceup isn’t professional.
So what if your doll doesn’t have eyes or a wig.
So what if your doll is wearing a sock-outfit.
So what if you don’t own a popular sculpt.
So what if you don’t own a certain size doll.
So what if you don’t own a doll in a certain resin colour.
So what if you only own one doll.
So what if you don’t own any dolls. by nedeestar
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby K2! » Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:28 am

My apologies to all you loyal MADh Vinyl reader for my sporadic posting of late. The job that buys the dolls and lights their world has expanded of late to more hours in the day and more days in the week, leaving me little time and energy to devote to my girls, what with sleeping, cleaning the lab, maintaining my doomsday devices, and sleeping. As some of you may have noticed there have been a number of postings for my Smart Dolls, Kizuna and Chitose. (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11737) These are not meant as a substitute for MADh Vinyl but as a supplement to keep things going. Kizuna and Chitose's adventures take much less higher brain functions and less time in the schedule, particularly since their world does not extend beyond the walls of the apartment or involve many others.
I'm hoping things settle down soon so I can get back to the regular weekly(ish) posting schedule. Till then, thanks for sticking with us. We're not dead yet.
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby Swan » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:46 pm

YAYYY Thank you.

SADLY I can no longer FOLLOW the storyline! O.O I have forgotten a LOT of the starting story with Diamond, Anna Marie and Hyacinth! *cries*

So MUCH has happened in the interim, I cannot make heads or tails of any of it now! I hate to admit it, but I'm now totally lost. The LAST thing I remember coherently is the Naruko character coming to the school and asking about panties... or was it the storyline where Hyacinth defended poor Mittens from the bullies? Is that the same storyline? What happens next is a melange of a cardboard box, treasure that turned out to be small diamonds, and something in Paris or Tokyo.
Oh, and a lot of blood... or is that a new storyline?
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:45 pm

Swan wrote:YAYYY Thank you.

SADLY I can no longer FOLLOW the storyline! O.O I have forgotten a LOT of the starting story with Diamond, Anna Marie and Hyacinth! *cries*

So MUCH has happened in the interim, I cannot make heads or tails of any of it now! I hate to admit it, but I'm now totally lost. The LAST thing I remember coherently is the Naruko character coming to the school and asking about panties... or was it the storyline where Hyacinth defended poor Mittens from the bullies? Is that the same storyline? What happens next is a melange of a cardboard box, treasure that turned out to be small diamonds, and something in Paris or Tokyo.
Oh, and a lot of blood... or is that a new storyline?

It does bounce around a bit.

What is going on are several storylines that will converge (I presume) at some point into one major climactic event. Since K2 would probably kill me for it, I won't make a comparison to the Marvel Movie Universe.....

Let's see if I can sum up for you...Oh, and never forget you can go back and see them at http://www.madhvinyl.com.

Jazz tried to find out what her client (who turned into Naruko) was looking for and got attacked by some other cyber entity. In the hospital a big guy in sunglasses (who is probably Shade, Chroma's golem) tried to kill her, but her friend came to the rescue. They are hiding in a cardboard box in an abandoned building because the unknown bad guys are after her.

The big guy in sunglasses is talking to someone else on a phone who seems interested in a caged nekomimi at a medical company (not the same one Miyuki is from).

Break to somewhere in south America and we meet baby Hyacinth at an archaeology dig. Being a kitty she gives in to temptation and opens a box she shouldn't have. No, it's not Pandora's - it's worse. Something of a not nice nature has caused an apocalypse at the dig and now it's controlling little Hyacinth and making her run away.

Next enter Kaji and Carina to investigate. Carina recognizes that some seriously bad-ass juju happened at the dig, and whatever had been in the mysterious box was the focus of it. Kaji has a bad feeling about this.

Cut to the present time, Diamond and Sapphire are discussing their concern over the latest Adventure Club trip. Their fears are well founded when, as they go through the portal, instead of coming out where girls are, they are plunged into a volcano! Diamond saves her sister and they hasten to where the kitties are gathered - in the fields of New Zealand!!! Ok, not really, but it looks like there. Naturally most of the girls are giddy and happy and clueless, so Hyacinth has no trouble separating the Magic Bakeshop girl and tossing her the heck out of the way.

Next, being a villain, Hyacinth monologues for the girls and tells them the story about how she became possessed by an evil entity. Ok, it's really the evil entity telling the story but it looks like Hyacinth so that's what were calling her at the moment. Penelope the Magical Girl returns and we have a fight involving frosting and other bakery treats - unfortunately the bad girl manages to put the parts of her broken body back together, leaves Hyacinths form, and and transforms back into CHROMA evil sorceress.

Penelope gets her butt kicked into Australia, but Diamond and Sapphire arrive just in time to save the other kitty girls from being sucked lifeless by Chroma. Chroma, being overconfident in her evil takes them on, but Sapphire, Diamond and Penelope appear to defeat her.

with the help of an old friend, they return to the real world. Chroma, who isn't totally destroyed, appears where the big dude in sunglasses is, and possesses the body of a nekomimi. Gee, big surprise that.

We have a few more mundane events - Kaji meets Diamond and is affected by elf pheromones in a very male way; Penelope arranges to have magic training with Diamond; Hyacinth has shrunk after being freed from Chroma, but she's definitely suffering from what happened; Mittens speaks to Hyacinth and helps bring her back out of her depression; The girls go back to school.

Naru, the weird cat girl, finally gets to connect to the internet; Penelope accidentally changes Diamond's hair color to pale pink and runs away; Kaji meets the new, younger Hyacinth and they stay friends; Diamond goes out on a date with Kaji; Naru not only learns that she is supposed to be a living interface with the internet, she learns that some previous subjects were lost; Naru (and thus we) learns that #1 got lost in a traffic accident, #2 got lost in the mail (rerouted to Diamond's place it seems - by fairymail), #3, of course, is Miyuki and we know what happened to her.

Back to Chroma. She's gone to Glastonbury and found the mystic lake in which a certain Lady holds a certain Sword. We learn that Chroma knew (and apparently had a thing) for Merlin. She cons the Lady into showing Excalibur and then through torture and threats takes the sword and makes the Lady prisoner. Chroma is a bitch. She goes around the world blowing things up and causing mayhem because she can.

Hyacinth, meanwhile, wonders what is up with that computer program Anna Marie keeps playing to help her at school. It certainly seems to be helping Anna Marie a lot. Anna Marie, meantime, starts to have odd Star Wars dreams involving people she knows and Obi Wan Hyatt. Jazz, meanwhile, is still trying to find out why the info N sent her after is causing her to be hunted. Hyacinth hires Jazz to try and find out who is behind the software that Anna Marie is using.

And that carries us up through 355 or thereabouts. Does it help?
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby K2! » Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:51 am

Greyhaunt wrote:
Tijeria wrote:Is Hyatt an Internet Ghost? :shock:

We are not completely sure, but I think that is a very good guess!

That august tome, the Urban Dictionary defines internet ghost as "an entity on the Internet that is imaginary. Specifically it is a person who has created a false identity for him or herself." So in that sense, Hyatt is not an internet ghost.

More accurately Hyatt is an artificial intelligence program running wild in the vast domains of the net.

Hyatt was born as an AI based software virus, origin unknown, which was inserted into one of the servers of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). While in the virtual game world, Hyatt's AI developed a level of independent consciousness through interaction with the game's software and its users/players.

While playing the game, Diamond met Hyatt, who existed in the game as a non-player character (NPC). Through their interactions they became friends. Some time later as a portion of the game world was collapsing from a massive viral invasion, Hyatt convinced Diamond to help her escape the limited confines of the virtual game world (Escape from Tatsukura, Episodes 356-360 viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10915).
Subsequently Diamond used her magic to create a biological real world body for Hyatt. Hyatt lived with Diamond and later Anna Marie, but always found life in the biological world difficult.

During an encounter with another virus from the Tatsukura MMORPG, Hyatt's body was destroyed but her program survived and Hyatt returned to her original form in cyberspace. (Miss Demeanor, Episodes 79-88 http://www.madhvinyl.com/adventures/079-088/miss.html)

Currently Hyatt has been invading the dreams of her former housemate Anna Marie (Episodes 365, 366, 367, 378, 386, 391, 400, 403, 404, and 405).
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby davidd » Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:40 am

Well, that was... something. I've just finished reading through all twenty-three pages of this topic, from beginning to end. This, mind you, is before having read any of the actual photo-story installments. I've seen references to Barnabas Collins and to Soupy Sales, which was pretty cool.

Yes, I remember Soupy Sales. No, not from his long-ago and long-lost TV show; rather, he appeared in the occasional TV commercial when I was a little kid, and did guest spots on other shows.

I noticed that the activity level in this once-vibrant topic declined precipitously starting in 2014. Like, it went from full-throttle enthusiasm to practically nothing almost overnight. Does anyone know what happened?

I understand that since 2016 this series has been more or less on hiatus (with a few installments continuing sporadically through 2017 and into early 2018), with activity having shifted over to Kiz & Cheeto's storyline. But I get the impression that "fan involvement" in the story, and on the forum as a whole, slowed considerably starting sometime in 2014.

Anyway, it looks like I should start from the beginning on the MADh Vinyl web site (which I see is still available) and then pick up the later chapters here on the forum.

I'm looking forward to it. And having read through the "supplemental material," I'll kind of have at least half a clue about what is going on.

Is Episode 440 the last posted installment?
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Re: Hello Again! Q, A, & S

Postby Greyhaunt » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:17 pm

I blame the Smartdolls. They've stolen the Madh Vinyl audience!
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