Kattriella wrote:Unrelated to the mouse situation, I've been working on researching the various versions of the Sailor Moon manga for possible future collecting purposes. I've also become interested in the musicals, and am sad to learn that some of them haven't been archived.
Kattriella wrote:I've tried humane traps already. It completely avoided them the entire week I had them set up.
victoriavictrix wrote:Make sure you are putting the traps in the rodent's path. You find the path by looking for droppings or using your nose for rodent urine. They poop and pee everywhere they go, which is how they lay their trails. Be patient.
Kirahfaye wrote:The progress of my projects has halted for the time being. My daughter's disability was pulled because of a snafu. We have 2 weeks to appeal with all the information SSI/SSDI claims they didn't receive - a year and a half ago. And even if she does get it reinstated, it could be over a year before we find out. Finances are going to be very, very tight for a while. I may be putting some more dolls up for sale.
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