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For the things that never make any sense! XD

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:23 am

Thanks, and I found out I did some math wrong and missed extra money which will make things easier. ~derp~ But I'm still in the same savings boat for a couple of months. It does however give me the option of spending the money I make selling my books for dolls I may need for my website. Still the more I can save the better because a forebber home means I can make a workshop and finally look in to casting and selling heads...

On another note is there anyone else out there in their mid 30s who was taught "new math" in school and found it has messed up their basic math skills? I screw up adding or subtracting with columns and working in my head but I was able to do college algebra once upon a time.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby OutBriefCandle » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:11 am

Well, I didn't get the job. They've hired just about all they're gonna hire for the store near where I live. But on the other hand, I was asked if I was interested in the other store (not really, very difficult to get to by bus which kinda negates the whole reason I'm applying), he said he'd keep my application on file, asked if he could keep the copy of my resume, and checked which phone number would be better to call me by. So that's a good sign. And in the meantime my manager and supervisor at work will be very happy that I'm sticking around for a while longer. So I know that I'm secure there and not getting this job isn't disasterous. So. *shrugs*

I'd probably have the job if I'd applied sooner. But I'd decided to wait until after my con cause otherwise I wouldn't have had the time off. So. Sigh.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:03 am

Alright, using a multiple of the number 13 which has always been good to Xavier against both houses we really really like, especially Riverwalk which felt like home. Let's hope it's super effective. The owners of Cristy street get back in town today, the dolls and I would have to share a room again there but it has a huge closet, cubbies, and all northern windows. Riverwalk would give the dolls their own room.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby delbelcoure » Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:31 pm

Best of luck!
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:59 am

Thanks, so far everything habitable has been in the middle of Scumville, school adjacent to the point of being neighbors and parents parking in your driveway, freeway adjacent with an off ramp pointing at the house, or we've been out bit because we can only go so high to be able to afford the down payment. It's this crazy percentage thing we've worked out what we could plausibly get together while being able to eat, pay utilities, and rent a truck. Part of it is crazy because mom who has no money only has alternative credit and me with a bit more money has none because I don't believe in non secured credit cards.

I'm at the point where the song in my head is I've Had Enough from Quadrophenia complete with the scream. I refuse to get emotionally involved in any of the houses now until we've signed papers for it.

*Outbid on the dirty house, no word yet on the nooks and crannies house. Say three more today that would be acceptable, a two story where the dolls could have their own room, on where we'd bunk together again, and one where we could have separate rooms upstairs but the bathrooms are downstairs but I don't think they'll take our offer. Needless to say I'm liking the dolls get their own room house. So does my sister as chances are she could have her pony there.

**So far we've bid on Cristy street with it's nooks and crannies, E Street where the dolls can have their own room and the pony lawnmower can be in the back, and will be putting in one on Mayfair which falls under the category of "there's more house!" and has an under the stairs Harry Potter cupboard. Not sure if that one will go through but the seller has a good 'fall back' house. E Street is top of the list with Cristy behind it.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:42 am

Been told you see/hear things differently? Get checked for Sensory processing disorder.

Seriously, I saw a film where a kid was first diagnosed with Autism, turns out he was having trouble getting his body to do what his brain was was telling it. SPD includes processing information too which could help explain some of the lopsided quirks with my brain.

What we want to be our forebber home from space, the dolls and I would be mostly towards the left hand side of the house. There's another level under this one.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:44 am

To update, we are waiting for the seller to accept our offer, we're the only ones even interested in this place and so on. When and if the offer is accepted the inspectors and appraisers go out. When the one for our loan program says yes that pretty much means the house is ours, they're the toughest. To add to the fun the seller wants us to close by the middle of June, we have to close by July 1st for our loan program.

In the mean time Kim is going on a no dolls, no nothing but food and absolute necessities diet. Moving away from the enabling stores so I can't walk to them will help too. It's just going to be tough and I'll be in the market for a new habit/anxiety controller than shopping for dolls or things for the dolls. Never got to the bottom of that issue :/
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby delbelcoure » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:49 am

Does sewing help? You're good at it and your dolls could always use new clothes ;-)
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:45 am

Yeah, I'm sewing now, more for the Hujoo and an outfit for Watson. It's part of this seizure disorder I have to go through moments of not thinking "sensibly" and at least I can recognize that. Once this May insanity is over things will be wonderful.

I know there's going to be a bit of a tricky time ahead but each move I've been more mellow. Hopefully I've squished the box fairy who would go along and repack for me or put other people's stuff on top of mine, I know I have some things I haven't seen all century. It's such a mess that everyone's name is on every box in the garage, we have some I think are older than me, so I've put pink Duck Tape on all my boxes I packed. Once at the forebber home I buy nice storage tubs and can finally finally organize everything. I want to move and be done with it.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby KatyaR » Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:59 pm

Oh, good luck, Kim! It would be wonderful to find a home that allows plenty of dollieh space.

What in the world is the matter with me? I have *tubs* of Goodwill rescues (mainly non-BHS Barbies, but a good mix of others as well) waiting for use, more WIPs than anyone should, a list of specific projects that would take a year to clear up. Yet while cruising eBay a few minutes ago, I almost bought a Hujoo Suve (JS, naturally) without even thinking about it. The **Last** thing I need is to follow this mad whim, and enter yet another aspect of dolldom.
Go away, adorable little tempter. I need to buckle down to all the waiting dolls and projects before I _ever_ consider getting into tiny, devastatingly kawaii BJDs.
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