by OkamiKodomo » Mon May 09, 2011 1:42 am
Thus far, I haven't found any good ways to dye synthetic hair except with specially formulated (and expensive) dyes.... but those are intended for cosplay wigs, not doll wigs. I've also seen methods that use sharpie ink or artists' ink, and rubbing alcohol... again, for cosplay wigs, so it's a fair bet that such a method would run a very high risk of staining. Acrylic paints supposedly make the hair sticky or something, because of the latex in the paint, but I have no idea on that one. Never actually seen it done, or any tutorials for it.
Fabric dyes won't work, and neither with normal hair dyes. Fake hair is non-porous, so there's nothing for the color to grab. I saw one mention of the kool-aid method, but the poster said the color wasn't very intense, and faded significantly after the first wash.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!