by Itsaiya » Mon May 30, 2011 11:16 am
Got back from running an artists table at ACEN last weekend... and to find my cable modem box was thoroughly dead. so a week later, the cable dude came in to replace it.
I reeeeallly wish I knew what his thoughts were when he saw a.) 9 million girly stuffed animals, b.) a bunch of BJDs (namely, my B&G Sharon, ED hybrid Red, B&G hybrid Afra, and 50cm Obi that are visible), c.) bunch of D. Gray-man paraphanelia from the dealers room at Acen all over the place and then..... d.) the "Left4Dead2" box with the 4 fingered zombie hand mixed in with the cute girly junk.
Namely, I want to know his reaction to the BJDs, since they seem to creep people out o_o he had a very "......uh lol?" expression. More embarrassing than the fact that the cable box is in my bedroom (it's a small 2 room apartment.... everything is either in my bedroom or in the living room).
Anyway, on the upside, my first artist alley table went well. I made about $220 from roughly $80 materials. so I guess $140 profit. Not bad. I wish I had more to sell, but I ended up out for a few weeks with a herniated disc and couldn't do much (walk/stand/sit/lay, it all hurt like a bish x.x).
Also on the upside, I was cosplaying an original character no one knew of.... and still got lots of photos taken of me o_o; Unexpected, to me, from a full fledged anime con (I understood it occurring at I-con, being it was a sci-fi/fantasy/renn faire/anime/nerd con that isn't specific...).
Even awesomer... there was a dealer in the dealers section (artist alley and dealers room were integrated next to each other) selling BJDs and another selling clothing. I was kinda sad they they didn't have more clothing for dude dolls, but I almost got a pair of pants for my ED Red hybrid (ED body, diff head). I didn't, though, since I wasn't 100% sure if it would fit one of the ED bodies, being they're too damn buffed up o_O; So, I guess Red will have to live with his dorky khaki pants some more. The legs and waist just didn't seem wide enough to bother asking.
On the upside... I saw a Flik and Odessa cosplayers from Suikoden I xD So hard to find any Suikoden cosplayers, let alone the original Suikos...
Akihito [DZ Yuu], Red [ED Red], Sweetpea [DF Popo], Apollo [BBB Apollo], Reli [B&G Sharon], (phoenix) Efriete [B&G Afra], (human) Efriete [Migidoll Miho], Seth [Migidoll Ryu], Horus [Obitsu 50cm].
Do want: DR Xiao chi [as Xieu]; DOD Luke v2 [as Daven]; DIM Rain [as Rain]