Yes...another rooting question. This time from someone who is a perfectionist and is afraid to mess up. So, I realized that the head I was planning to get, the parabox neko head, was a bit too round, and the head that i was going to get as a practice head was perfect (21HD-F01N). The only problem was that they Junky Spot doesn't carry a pre rooted version....and I'm a complete newbie.....
I always could get a wig, however a simple, center part wig I have in mind would be from Parabox, in which I would have to pay for some major shipping. And they do carry a pre rooted version of the head I want. But again, $20 shipping rate for a $12 head. I could sacrifice a practice head (which would also be the head I want for my "actual" doll) to root, but something tells me that a one time practice is not going to do the job.
Nor would practicing with a Barbie head work, because I would have to get the rooting hair somewhere, quite possibly over internet, which would cost MORE (the only way I can not pay for a shipping is going to some local WalMart or something and get some hair extensions, which might not work). And seems like it takes a lot of time...
Which brings me back to the first issue, the fact that the Neko head may be a bit too round. If anyone can post a comarison head between that and the standard anime head mentioned above, that would be great. (And if I discovered that the Neko head isn't too round compared to the standard anime head, that would be so awsome.)