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Modding eyes open and etc (need help!)

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Modding eyes open and etc (need help!)

Postby Kayota » Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:19 pm

I've never done any modding before but I plan to try on the Monster High dolls, and I am completely unsure how to go about it. ^^; I have a few questions:

-For Holt/Deuce, is there a way to remove the plastic hair they have (if any of you have one of them)?

Sorry about all the questions! Thanks for looking ^^;

EDIT: I went out today and bought an X-acto knife and some other things and I actually had pretty good success modding a Draculaura doll that I picked up, but I used acetone-free nail polish remover because I got impatient with the rubbing alcohol and it turned her head yellow ^^; So I did different things with each eye to practice. Still need an answer about the plasticy hair on Holt and Deuce though.
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