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REJOICE! woohoo!

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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby britbrat18 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:01 pm

Lexagon wrote:I agree! That is amazing! Better than my drawings >.<

I found this survey thing online where you can make money for doing surveys.


I do surveys like that too! I've made over $100 bucks in the past year and a half doing them. And I completely forgot about them the past few months. XD I gotta get back to doing them again.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby 1/6andtinylover » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:02 pm

[quote="Lexagon"]Yess I found Dollieh money, I can't work yet, I'm still too young. I went to get working papers and they legitimately laughed me out of the place. >.< I guess 14 year olds aren't exactly jumping to join the workforce.quote]

I can relate to that. Except that I'm a foreigner as well, so...no working part time jobs or anything. W00T. And I'm probably not the best with younger kids or animals, and is really bad at physical stuff like shoveling, so half of my job opportunity goes flying out the window: . Anyway, congratz...and I might have to look up the survey stuff as well!
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby Lexagon » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:43 pm

It may take a while for the surveys to find you but its nice to make a couple extra bucks here and there. My brother does it and he said that I should try it because there is a doll I'm really trying to get from the MP but no way to get funds for it XD

I was so sad when they told me I couldn't get papers. I was so angry, if I want to work why won't they let me work? I mean, I can do just about anything else a 16 year old could do and if I can toot my horn, probably better. I just want to be like a receptionist or something. Eh.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby Chaye » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:24 pm

:oops: I just ordered a BBB Mei42 yesterday... She's my second doll. omg 2 dolls bought in one month Dx ... I'm super excited. After I bought Shiina I knew I needed another one. WHAT IS THIS ADDICTION?! i love it .-.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby AlmySidaKay » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:31 pm

Yea, I don't know that one... (miss 4 dolls in one month >.>) Have fun it won't stop! :P
A hobby isn't supposed to leave you wistful, regretful and vaguely disappointed. BJD collecting is as customizable as the dolls themselves. Do whatever pleases you the most, because otherwise, why do it at all? All for the 'Gram Bitches love the 'Gram.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby Chaye » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:34 pm

Oh dear me! 4 in one month?! >-> I'll prolly get there...
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby 1/6andtinylover » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:36 pm

FEEL IT. FEEL THE ADDICTION GROW. *evil laugh in the background*

@Lexagon Dang, my parents does not approve of me earning money like that.(douht they will change their minds even after I present some really long report about that.) Bye bye, more opportunity.
The ever growing wishlist: Hujoo Dana, Obitsu 40, and an army of other Obitsus with anime style heads.
The more expensive end of my wishtlist: Limhwa Half Elf and Elfdoll Soah, my dream dolls.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby AlmySidaKay » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:41 pm

I got a second job over the summer and things kinda.. exploded. (But at least one of the dolls was a trade and not just a a buy.) Those 27cm girls are like candy tho, with them being less then $100 some times... they are far too alluring.
A hobby isn't supposed to leave you wistful, regretful and vaguely disappointed. BJD collecting is as customizable as the dolls themselves. Do whatever pleases you the most, because otherwise, why do it at all? All for the 'Gram Bitches love the 'Gram.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby durianbom » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:23 pm

REJOICE!! I just bought a WHOLE LOT of dollieh making supplies at walmart for 11 bucks.
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Re: REJOICE! woohoo!

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:28 am

Lexagon wrote:I was so sad when they told me I couldn't get papers. I was so angry, if I want to work why won't they let me work? I mean, I can do just about anything else a 16 year old could do and if I can toot my horn, probably better. I just want to be like a receptionist or something. Eh.

I can give you a huge long list of reasons why. Many of them legal. In most states it is simply not legal for 14 year olds to work for anyone other than their parents, and the reason for that is that you are very likely to find yourself in a position where you can be exploited or even harmed by people who are unscrupulous or have criminal intent. A 16 year old is presumed to have a little more experience and be able to see the danger signs, and there are restrictions on what even a 16 year old is allowed to do.

Also, no one is going to give a teenager of any age a job as a receptionist, particularly not in this economy where there are 10 to 50 adult receptionists for every receptionist job. You're simply not mature enough to represent a business at the front desk; no one who came in and saw a teenager at the receptionist desk would have any confidence in the business and would walk out.
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