I saw Jem listed right after them and near had a heart attack but to my relief it was still the original. So she is up on chopping block after all eh? Sad. She wasn't really a favorite of mine but here's hoping a real fan might get a hold of her.
Here's my rundown of all the remakes I know of.
I liked the new turtles and was a huge fan of the oldschool shell dudes. I was even jumping for joy when they introduced a female turtle. I've given it some thought and the care bears aren't too bad. The new computerized style throws you a bit but its all still exactly the same. Got to give them kudos for that. Thundercats is amazing. Didn't really like any of the new batmans they weren't horrible but couldn't get into them at all. Transformers is awful now. Strawberry shortcake is NOTHING like the original. Same names everything else is completely effed. Now the original ponies cartoons and movies weren't the greatest ever. It was watchable but not the best story lines save that particular one you mentioned. Firefly's Adventure was possibly one of my favorite movies at the time. All cartoons back then were grainy and the colors off but that's just because we have the tech to do it right now and we didn't then. Back then making a cartoon took FOREVER. This is why you only got one like once a week. Not several episodes a day. That is one of the three reasons why the newer show will never appeal to me. Even if the script is better. They are crapped out in a flash animation style that I could do myself on a computer in less than five minutes. And any artstyle looks bad when you do that to it. My husband did make a point to try to watch it this morning. He is in love with the artwork as much as I despise it, My second reason to be put off by the new series... to me that looks alien or derpy not pony. But he couldn't get through two minutes of the show because the animation was so poor. if he had liked it I MIGHT have given it a shot. But now i get to bring him to the darkside! muhaha!

And my third reason was all the figures changing overnight. Everyone knows the only reason that show even exists is to sell the merchandise. Mebbe they are trying or claiming to try to steer it a new direction but with the show done so poorly it's all the more reason for me to give up on ponies. I'll keep my money. And last but certainly not least Its clear from just looking at a photo that the pound puppies are a lost cause. Again only the name and possibly the underground clubhouse remains the same from what I hear. It'll be that same lazy animation that belongs on computer games and they don't ever wear clothing, I suppose that's not a huge thing but now they look like 2 stupid dogs or something. They could change the name and I wouldn't have a gripe. But I think that sort of animation/artstyle should be found on computers only. I expect better from a tv program.
Yet again all of that is my opinion if you like peachy I just feel that if you are going to res-erect something that has such a huge following be prepared to take criticism if it's deemed not up to snuff by fans. Like the green lantern, haven't watched it, heard it blowed so I won't bother. My husband hates every xman movie that was done. He also hated the last airbended but I loved it and thought it could not be more perfect. What bothered him was the races he used. I thought the actors were wonderful. *shrug*