by Swan » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:05 pm
My dog Gryphon is a "situational sissy" ... he 'worries' if my beloved and I go to bed at the same time... he whimpers and frets, because the four of us (me, Karen, the other dog Lillie, and him, Gryph) are all "off duty" at the same time... he's such a responsible lil guy! "Whine whine, worry fret, tremble tremble! What about burglars, Mom!!?? *SOMEBODY* Please stay AWAKE!!"
He's afraid of the groomer, and crosses the street (if he can, hauling on the leash) to avoid that side of the street her salon is on... he goes into a barking frenzy when he perceives danger to the house... he hollers bloody murder if you happen to catch and snag a hair while brushing him (owwww I'm in *agony*!!) BUT...
Let someone threaten ME and the wuss turns into a genuine 12 inch tall TIGER! Hackles up, ears flat to his head, legs stiff, he'll threaten "Death From Below!" to any creature, canine or human, who bothers me! LOL. My brave lil guy actually DID frighten off a potential masher twice!
Good DOG!! I love that lil guy AND his 'sister' Lillie! Sweet dogs both of them and yeah, when it comes down to it he's a four footed Marine Platoon, upholstered in genuine dogfur!
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke, "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)