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Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby magkelly » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:03 am

I'm down with an upper resp, sneezing my head off every few secs here, but I'd be delighted to take some pics of my MT's and post them for you later this week. I'd pick Leigh over Tristan for right now. Tristan is a main character and she's a lot more easily gotten than Leigh seems to be. If you can get a Leigh or a Gavin right now I'd go for it. They seem to be harder to find in the stores. Leigh is gorgeous. Her hair is a ginger wonder and her sea green eyes are just something special in real life. I did redo the makeup on mine to more earth tones and I also gave her a tiny spray of freckles just across her nose. They really do suit her I think. She has the skin tone for it.
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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby Evelien » Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:54 am

This is my Tristen "Amy" with a Monique Lexy/Lexie (?) wig in an outfit I made :). I removed her icy pink lipstick (ugh) with aceton-free nail polish remover in a jiffy.

Tristen after the makeover (6) by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr

Tristen after the makeover (3) by Ev's Dolls ♫, on Flickr
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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:52 am

I have a Melrose named Sophie. Melrose is very tan and looks best with blond wigs I think.
For some reason I have no pictures of her at the moment.
I'm mostly on Tumblr now.
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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:01 am

Gift and Edge: Awesome.

Evelein: Amy is beautiful. She looks great in that wig (I love her outfit) I might do something similiar with whichever one I get whiping the lipstick off.
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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby magkelly » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:29 am

They really liven up once you change out the lips, I think. So far I've changed the lips on all of mine except for my first Melrose and I'm still thinking of redoing her. But changing out my 2nd Tristen's lips and coloring her eyes totally changed her personality. Their skin tone seems to almost alter depending upon what lip color you use. It's odd, but there's something about the MT vinyl that seems to soak up and reflect color back at you. My one Tristen was a bit differently colored to begin with, not quite as white, but with reddish lips she looks positively rosy now, like a totally different character. Leigh did the same thing, changing the lips to a medium copper gave her a much more earthy look, a sort of autumn glow.
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Re: Can I please have Moxie Teenz spam?

Postby Linteia » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:16 pm

This is my Kailey's photostream, I uploaded all the comparison/flexibility pics I took there and a few of her just being cute.

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