A place for the lost and alone to live again. (Aside from the shinigami, most of the boys have found themselves in The Lair shortly after dying in their home universe. Kinda makes you wonder if the shinigami are up to more than just hunting down a rogue agent. Personally, though, I blame Urahara...)
Weiss Kreuz/Kaikan Phrase (Widow) Verse:
(Please note that the Omi and Nagi mentioned in conjunction with this verse are not kiki-chan78's Omi or Yanagi-sen's Nagi. While the three of us may share a love for the Weiss Kreuz anime, we each have our own dollie cannons based on it.)

Name: Kazuto Sakuma (And let this name never be spoken again.)
Nickname: Towa, The Widow
Origin: Kaikan Phrase (Sensual Phrase) Anime (See the wiki page for more, manga specific, info). AU per my fic, Violet Widow
Make/Model/Serial Number: Blue Blood Doll, Kimono Waltz Fullset, 60cm
Story: If being androgynous was an art form, Towa would have been crowned a master many years ago. Being serious, quiet, slow to anger, and thoughtful only added to that image to the point that people often forget that he was, in fact, a guy. He may have been cross dressing since he was young (the youngest of four boys, his parents who had really wanted girl passed him off as one until he was 5), but he would be the first to tell you he was all guy despite his looks. Unfortunately, his love of music led to him breaking ties with his family when he was still fairly young. He vary rarely uses his birth name instead just going by his nickname feeling it more accurately reflects his true self.
Towa is an excellent bass player along with also having a talent for writing music. He secretly also has a great voice, but would die before using it since it was that talent that led to the altercation which cost him the sight in his left eye.
Towa's voice is not the only secret he keeps. He is also a very power psychic. Called a Widow by those who would use his power for ill, Towa doesn't even know himself what he is fully capable of. What he does know is that power forced him to leave his dream and new family behind for their own safety. While he didn't blame Weiss for this for long, he did feel very out of place in the world of assassins and the supernatural.
In his present incarnation, Towa remembers everything that happened to him during the time he spent with Yohji, Brad, and Schuldich running from Esset. Unfortunately, while fate has led him back to Yohji, Towa has found himself missing one very vital thing: Schuldich. Without the centering and calming presence of his power's chosen mate, one wrong move could lead to Towa completely losing control of the boiling mass of psychic power in his mind. The consequences of such an uncontrolled power release are the one thing he truly fears, and he would face the worst agonies imaginable to prevent that from happening....again.

Name: Yohji Kudou/Rei Takatori
Nickname: Yotan
Origin: Weiss Kreuz Anime. AU per my fics Joining You & Violet Widow
Make/Model/Serial Number: Angel Region (now Neo-AngelRegion) Limited Tanning Kai, 60cm (so he claims....)
Story: Florist by day; Assassin by night. That was the job description, but Yohji would gladly tell you should you foolishly think that sounds easy, that nothing is ever that easy especially for one who just found out that what he though was his life was actually a series of false memories implanted into his mind as an act of vengeance from a man pushed too far. What was easy, though, was deciding to return to the arms of the man who he had loved more than life itself, even if said man, one Brad Crawford-leader of Schwarz, was now the enemy.
Things settled down after Persia's death when Omi took control of the operation and folded the now fugitive Schwarz into Weiss, but that didn't last long. Yohji's life was again thrown into chaos when, while running from Esset--a group willing to do everything necessary to get a hold of Towa and his powers--he found out the hard way that Towa wasn't the only one in the party with latent psychic abilities. A sniper's bullet ripped into Towa's brain and the resulting psychic blast wave created by the Widow's abilities being brutally and fully awakened, torn into Yohji's unprotected mind stripping out any shields he'd had, leaving his precognitive empathic ability to run wild.
It was bad enough being able to sense the feelings of those around him, but doing so in advance and along any number of possible timelines was beyond a nightmare. The only thing that saved Yohji's sanity was the combined use of his lover's own precognitive ability and Towa's Widow abilities once he gained full control of them.
While he never held any of that against Towa, it's obvious to Yohji that Towa still holds guilt for the pain he unintentionally caused him back then. That is why in this life, Yohji plans to do all he can to ease Towa's suffering. He just hopes his current boyfriend, Liam, is as okay with this as he says he is. Unfortunately, it's starting to look more and more unlikely that Liam is not as okay with this as he claims to be...
Bleach Verse:
(The Bleach Boys' early adventures were posted to 13Doll, and unfortunately, went down when it did. While I have copies saved to my hard drive, those copies aren't in a form that would be easy to repost.

Name: Izuru Kira
Nickname: Izuran
Origin: Bleach Anime/Manga, AU
Make/Model/Serial Number: Domuya Venturo (new flexi-body), 60cm
Story: Being born a noble, even if his family was in the lowest tiers of nobility, gave Izuru Kira a chance to develop his talents and confidence to a degree that most others didn't have. As a result, when he entered the academy to begin his shinigami training, he was full of hopes and ambitions. Those hopes were brutally crushed and his confidence was audibly broken when an early training mission in the real world turned in to a massacre thanks to the behind the scenes influence of Sosuke Aizen. While he and his classmates, Renji Abarai and Momo Hinamori--along with upperclassman Shuhei Hisagi--would walk away from the attack, none of them would ever be the same, especially Izuru. His confidence gone, he would turn his focus from his own ambitions to supporting those of others--loyal to a fault to those whom his loyalty was sworn whether or not they actually deserved it.
Izuru found safety in his new role and slowly began to rebuild his sense of self only to have that sense of self torn away when his captain betrayed Soul Society reveling that he, no matter how loyal, was little more than a tool to be used and then discarded.
Not long after that betrayal, word reached Soul Society that a strong Arrancar had been seen causing chaos in the Living World. A group was put together to hunt this Arrancar and Izuru was surprised to find himself in that group. Sadly, unknown to him, he was again being used. There was no Arrancar. The reports actually were sightings of his ex-captain and knowing Ichimaru's inability to resist picking on his lieutenant--especially when said lieutenant was in a compromised mental state--Izuru was sent along, not to help, but as bait.
Many setbacks and unusual coincidences over the course of the investigation, though, have led Izuru to realize that not everything is as it seems. His mental state might be fragile, but he isn't dumb. In his subconscious, he knows he's being used again. However, he is hiding this from his conscious mind because once he realizes the true implications of Soul Society using him just like Aizen did, his mind may break again. This time, permanently.