by OkamiKodomo » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:59 pm
You know, it really sucks when you do favors for people constantly (sometimes expensive favors) but the second you need a favor from them, they expect you to either pay them for their services, or make themselves scarce. I adore my friend, I really do. But I asked her for a ride 2 miles up the road, and suddenly she needs gas money. It's not a huge deal, I can walk that far without a problem, but it's the principle of the matter.
And another thing... you do those favors and things for free for close friends, and suddenly everyone else expects the same. For instance, I'm an artist. I draw pictures for my close friends because I want to, but I also do commissioned work. Suddenly, some spoiled nitwit that I don't know from a hole in the wall, except as the sister of a friend of a friend, (not even the sister of a friend of mine!) decides she wants me to draw her a tattoo design. I try to subtly tell her I'm a commissioned artist. Her response is "So?" and continued to babble as though I never mentioned payment at all, not even so much as asking how much it would cost, when she doesn't have money of her own, and her mother does not want her to get a tattoo, so it's not like she would pay for it.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!