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Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

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Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby kiki-chan78 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:37 pm

Present for Lunarennui. Normally I don't make stuff for other people... but this is an exception, since she's getting married in a few months. I figured that since I can't show up for the wedding itself, I might as well send a snazzy gift for her how. So yar.

I knew that she eventually wanted a straight-jacket for her boy. So I did a lot of research, and three (or was that four?) mock-ups later, this is what I've come up with. There's still a few things missing, but over all, this is pretty darn close to the final item that will be sent off.

At it's core, a straight-jacket is intended to keep you from harming yourself or others. The primary areas of restriction is the arms, plus a strap that goes between the legs to prevent the 'patient' from pulling the jacket over their head. The strap that goes OVER the arms in the front, stops the 'patient' from lifting his/her arms up or down (I believe they started adding this because of Houdini?). Straps on the upper-arms keep the arms close to the torso. Sleeves also tend to end several inches AFTER the hand, to make sure that the person being restrained cannot access any of the bindings. Typical straight-jackets are made with unbleached canvas/cotton, and are supposed to be large enough for most people to be shoved in to for quick restraint... Me, research something? Never.

Though, right now, I think that Zirc's Raenef looks WAY too comfortable in this. Zirconmermaid was nice enough to loan me her boy, so that I would be able to make sure that Lunarennui's boy could be gotten into and out of this jacket.




Blargh, I still need to finish off the sleeves, and add in a few more finishing details on the straps. In case anyone is curious... there's currently seven buckles on that jacket, and it's gonna get one more to connect the sleeves to each other. Woot!


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Re: Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:18 pm

Personally I can think of at least one doll in your collection who needs one of those......

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Re: Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby kiki-chan78 » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:27 pm

Nah.... not that one. If I were to make something for Omi, it'd be more along the lines of this one:



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Re: Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby Dark Angel » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:16 pm

Lol, I already invested in one of those


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Re: Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:33 pm

Yes, I do agree Kiki - that one would be much more appropriate for Omi!

but..ahem...I didn't name any names in the first place! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Dollieh in a straight-jacket? o.O;;;

Postby leopardessmoon » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:17 am

ok, i think I like that full bodied one! now I just need to buy a new doll to wear it! lol

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